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Maintaining the Spark Plug
A worn spark plug or a spark gap that is too large will
result in a reduction of engine performance.
1. Disconnect the spark plug connector (12) from the
spark plug by simultaneously pulling and turning.
2. Unscrew the spark plug anticlockwise using the spark
plug socket.
3. Check the spark gap using a feeler gauge (available
from specialist shops). The spark gap must be at least 0.7
4. Clean the spark plug with a wire brush.
5. Insert the cleaned and adjusted spark plug or replace
a damaged spark plug with a new one
Changing the Engine Oil
To change the engine oil, tip the equipment
on a inclined surface .
• Change the engine oil for the first time after around
5 operating hours then every 50 operating hours or
• Change the engine oil when the engine is warm.
• Dispose of the used oil in an ecofriendly manner
1. Open the oil drain plug (8)
2. Drain the engine oil into a suitable container.
3. Wipe up spilt engine oil and screw back in the oil
drain plug (8).
4. Stand the equipment level and refill the engine oil
Sharpening / Changing the Blades
• Always have a blunt blade resharpened by a specialist
workshop, as an imbalance check can be carried out
• Always have a specialist workshop change a damaged
or imbalanced blade. Incorrect installation can result in
serious injury.
Adjusting the Carburettor
The carburettor has been preset in the factory for
- Remove the grass collection box ( 20) if it is installed.
- Adjust the cutting height to position 8
- Set the upper handle bar (2) to around 5° in the
direction of the equipment.
Do not squash the Bowden cables (4) when doing this.
Risk of injury if the equipment tips back.
• Always keep the equipment clean. To
clean, use a toothbrush or cloth but no
corrosive cleaning agents or solvents.
Do not use water to clean the engine as
it could contaminate the fuel system.
• After mowing, remove plant remains
that are stuck to the equipment by using a piece of wood
or plastic. Clean the vent holes, ejection hole and blade
area especially. Do not use hard
or pointed objects, which could damage
the equipment.
• Oil the wheels from time to time.
• Before each use, check the lawnmower for obvious
defects such as loose, worn or damaged parts. Check
that all nuts bolts and screws are sitting firmly.
• Check covers and guards for damage
and that they are sitting correctly. Replace
if necessary.
Replacing the Air Filter
Do not operate the equipment without the air filter
otherwise dust and dirt will get into the engine and
result in damage to the machine.
1. Loosen the screw on the air filter cover (15) and flip
open the cover.
2. Remove the air filter (14).
3. Replace the air filter with a new filter.
4. To install, insert the new air filter (14) in the air filter
cover (15).
5. Flip the air filter cover closed and screw it back

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