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NR920 / English Instruction Manual
Before operation, please make sure that the VOLTAGE mentioned on the unit is same as the
voltage of your local area. Unravel the AC power cord, insert one end into the AC socket on the set
and the other end into a standard AC outlet..
1. Do not plug or unplug the power cable while you have wet hands;
2. If you plan not to use the unit for a long time, disconnect the power cable from the wall outlet;
3. When disconnecting the power cord from the wall outlet, do not pull on the cord in order to
avoid shock risks caused by damaged cable.
Disconnect the AC Cord Set completely. Open the Battery Compartment Door and insert 4 pieces
UM-2 "C" size batteries into the battery compartment with battery polarity as shown inside the
battery compartment.
When using your Digital radio for the first time, please follow the below steps:
1. Connecting the power cord to the main socket, or put 4 x C size batteries into the battery
compartment, to power the radio.
2. Extend the telescopic aerial completely.
3. Press the POWER button to turn the radio on. The radio will perform an initial DAB+ scan to
search for the available radio stations.
4. Once the scan is complete, the first station will be play. You can change stations using the UP
and DOWN buttons, or by stopping on the station you wish to listen to.
If no stations are found, switch the radio off and move it to a location with a stronger signal. When
you switch the radio back on it will automatically repeat the scan process.
Press the DAB+/FM button to set the radio to DAB+ mode.
Performing a Full Scan:
1. Press the SCAN button to perform a full scan
Note: When first used, your Digital radio scanned the DAB band for available stations. The station
services found were then stored in your radio’s memory. You can rescan the band at anytime if you
move to a different area or just refresh the stored list of available stations.
The scanning process will take a few minutes. The number of services found during the scan will
be shown at the right side of the display.
After the scan, the radio will re-tune to the last station playing if it is available. Alternatively, you can
continue to browse for another station.
Performing a Manual Tuning:
1. Press MENU button and rotate the TUNNING button to select “Manual Tune” and press Enter
to confirm. .
2. Rotate the TUNNING button toggle through the frequencies to tune a station.
3. Press the Enter button to confirm the frequency and exit from “Manual Tuning”.
Note: The multiplex channel number and frequency is displayed. If a station multiplex exists on this
frequency, the multiplex name will also be displayed and the first station in the multiplex will play.
Press the DAB+/FM button to set the radio to FM Mode.
Auto Tuning:
1. To scan upwards, press the SCAN button to tune the next available station.
2. To scan downwards, press and hold the SCAN button to tune the next available station.
Note: Tuning will stop automatically when the next station is reached.
Manual Tuning:
1. Press the UP and DOWN button to tune up or down the frequency by MHz.
In FM mode, press ENTER to toggle through MONO or AUTO Mode.
1. Preset function
The Digital radio can store up to 10 DAB and 10 FM stations as presets for instant access to
your favorite stations.
Storing a station preset:
1. Tune your Digital radio to the station you wish to store as a preset.
2. Press and hold the PRESET button until “ Preset Empty 1” appears with the number
3. Using the UP and DOWN buttons, select the preset number you wish to use and press
ENTER button to store that station into the radio memory.
Note: When you store a preset, the preset number and “Stored” will be displayed to confirm
the number you selected. You can choose a preset number that is already in use. The new
station details will over-write the stored station.
Recalling a preset station:
1. Press the PRESET button until the first preset appears.
2. Using the UP and DOWN buttons, scroll through the station presets.
3. Press the ENTER button to select the station you wish to listen to.
2. Browse station Information
Press the Info button repeatedly to view information transmitted by the station in DAB / FM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Soundmaster NR920

Soundmaster NR920 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 35 pagina's

Soundmaster NR920 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Soundmaster NR920 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

Soundmaster NR920 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 5 pagina's

Soundmaster NR920 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English, Français, Italiano, Svenska, Norsk - 35 pagina's

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