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Additional Information
t The signal strength of the stations is too weak
(when tuning in with automatic tuning). Use
manual tuning.
The disc does not play.
t The region code on the BD/DVD does not
match the system.
t Moisture has condensed inside the unit and
may cause damage to the lenses. Remove the
disc and leave the unit turned on for about half
an hour.
t The system cannot play a recorded disc that is
not correctly finalized (page 49).
File names are not displayed correctly.
t The system can only display ISO 8859-1
compliant character formats. Other character
formats may be displayed differently.
t Depending on the writing software used, the
input characters may be displayed differently.
A disc does not start playing from the
t Resume play has been selected. Press
OPTIONS and select [Play from start], then
press .
Playback does not start from the resume
point where you last stopped playing.
t The resume point may be cleared from
memory depending on the disc when
you open the disc tray.
you disconnect the USB device.
you play other content.
you turn off the unit.
The language for the soundtrack/subtitle or
angles cannot be changed.
t Try using the BD’s or DVD’s menu.
t Multi-lingual tracks/subtitles or multi-angles
are not recorded on the BD or DVD being
Bonus contents or other data that are
contained in a BD-ROM cannot be played.
t Try the following:
1 Remove the disc.
2 Turn the system off.
3 Remove and reconnect the USB device
(page 22).
4 Turn the system on.
5 Insert the BD-ROM with BONUSVIEW/
The USB device is not recognized.
t Try the following:
1 Turn the system off.
2 Remove and reconnect the USB device.
3 Turn the system on.
t Make sure that the USB device is securely
connected to the (USB) port.
t Check if the USB device or a cable is damaged.
t Check if the USB device is on.
t If the USB device is connected via a USB hub,
disconnect it and connect the USB device
directly to the unit.
The picture/sound is poor/certain programs
display with a loss of detail, especially
during fast-motion or dark scenes.
t Picture/sound quality may be poor depending
on Internet content providers.
t Picture/sound quality may be improved by
changing the connection speed. Sony
recommends a connection speed of at least 2.5
Mbps for standard-definition video and 10
Mbps for high-definition video.
t Not all videos contain sound.
The picture is small.
t Press X to zoom in.
The [Control for HDMI] function does not
work (“BRAVIA” Sync).
t Check that [Control for HDMI] is set to [On]
(page 40).
t If you change the HDMI connection, turn the
system off and on again.
USB device
BRAVIA Internet Video
“BRAVIA” Sync ([Control for

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony BDV-EF220

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - English - 24 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 56 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 16 pagina's

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