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[Screen Settings]
x [3D Output Setting]
[Auto]: Normally select this.
[Off]: Select this to display all contents in 2D.
x [TV Screen Size Setting for 3D]
Sets the screen size of your 3D compatible TV.
x [TV Type]
[16:9]: Select this when connecting to a wide-
screen TV or a TV with a wide-mode function.
[4:3]: Select this when connecting to a 4:3
screen TV without a wide-mode function.
x [Screen Format]
[Full]: Select this when connecting to a TV with
a wide-mode function. Displays a 4:3 screen
picture in 16:9 aspect ratio even on a wide-
screen TV.
[Normal]: Changes the picture size to fit the
screen size with the original picture aspect ratio.
x [DVD Aspect Ratio]
[Letter Box]: Displays a wide picture with black
bands on the top and bottom.
[Pan & Scan]: Displays a full-height picture on
the entire screen, with trimmed sides.
x [Cinema Conversion Mode]
[Auto]: Normally select this. The unit
automatically detects whether the material is
video-based or film-based, and switches to the
appropriate conversion method.
[Video]: The conversion method suited for
video-based material will always be selected
regardless of the material.
x [Output Video Format]
[HDMI]: Normally select [Auto]. Select
[Original Resolution] to output the resolution
recorded on the disc. (When the resolution is
lower than SD resolution, it is scaled up to SD
[Video]: Automatically sets the lowest
x [BD-ROM 24p Output]
[Auto]: Outputs 1920 × 1080p/24 Hz video
signals only when connecting a 1080/24p-
compatible TV using the HDMI (OUT) jack.
[On]: Select this when your TV is compatible
with 1080/24p video signals.
[Off]: Select this when your TV is not
compatible with 1080/24p video signals.
x [DVD-ROM 24p Output]
[Auto]: Outputs 1920 × 1080p/24 Hz video
signals only when connecting a 1080/24p-
compatible TV using the HDMI (OUT) jack.
: Select this when your TV is not
compatible with 1080/24p video signals.
x [YCbCr/RGB (HDMI)]
[Auto]: Automatically detects the type of
external device, and switches to the matching
color setting.
[YCbCr (4:2:2)]: Outputs YCbCr 4:2:2 video
[YCbCr (4:4:4)]: Outputs YCbCr 4:4:4 video
[RGB]: Select this when connecting to a device
with an HDCP compliant DVI jack.
x [HDMI Deep Colour Output]
[Auto]: Normally select this.
[16bit], [12bit], [10bit]: Outputs 16bit/12bit/
10bit video signals when the connected TV is
compatible with Deep Colour.
[Off]: Select this when the picture is unstable or
colors appear unnatural.
x [Pause Mode] (BD/DVD VIDEO/DVD-R/
DVD-RW only)
[Auto]: The picture, including subjects that
move dynamically, is output with no jitter.
Normally select this position.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony BDV-EF220

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - English - 24 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 56 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 16 pagina's

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