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Getting Started
Turn the unit off before connecting the
extension cable or inserting the USB Wireless
LAN Adapter. After inserting the USB Wireless
LAN Adapter to the base and connecting the
extension cable to the (USB) port, turn the
unit on again.
Before performing the network
When your wireless LAN router (access point)
is Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)-compatible,
you can easily set the network settings with the
WPS button.
If not, check the following information in
advance, and record it in the space provided
The network name (SSID*) that identifies
your network**.
If security is set on your wireless network, the
security key (WEP key, WPA key)**.
* SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a name that
identifies a particular wireless network.
** You need to check the settings of your wireless
LAN router to get the information about SSID and
security key. For details:
visit the following website:
For customers in Europe and Russia:
For customers in other countries/regions:
refer to the instruction manual supplied with the
wireless LAN router
consult the manufacturer of the wireless LAN
About wireless LAN security
Since communication via the wireless LAN
function is established by radio waves, the
wireless signal may be susceptible to
interception. To protect wireless
communication, this system supports various
security functions. Be sure to correctly
configure the security settings in accordance
with your network environment.
x No Security
Although you can easily make settings, anyone
can intercept wireless communication or intrude
into your wireless network, even without any
sophisticated tools. Keep in mind that there is a
risk of unauthorized access or interception of
WEP applies security to communications to
prevent outsiders from intercepting
communications or intruding into your wireless
network. WEP is a legacy security technology
that enables older devices which do not support
TKIP/AES to be connected.
TKIP is a security technology developed in
response to the deficiencies of WEP. TKIP
assures a higher security level than WEP.
AES is a security technology that uses an
advanced security method distinct from WEP
and TKIP.
AES assures a higher security level than WEP or

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony BDV-EF220

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - English - 24 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 56 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 16 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 58 pagina's

Sony BDV-EF220 Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 16 pagina's

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