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WARNING: Always unplug the appliance before cleaning the SOLIS MAXIMA.
• Both before and after use, clean the exposed surfaces of the SOLIS MAXIMA using a sponge moistened with
a mild, non-abrasive and solvent-free dishwashing detergent. If any liquids accidentally get inside the
appliance, do not connect it to the mains electricity supply and do not use it; contact your nearest dealer or
authorised service centre.
To clean the filter (12), pull the plastic lid toward you, remove the filter, rinse and dry both parts. Before
replacing the filter, make sure you have cleaned the filter housing.
Thoroughly wash the SOLIS accessories (containers, caps, jars, etc.) like you would wash any kitchen
utensils, allowing them to dry completely. If you wash the accessories in a dishwasher, be sure to place them
on the top rack.
Voltage 220-240V~ 50-60Hz 350W
Dimensions 50 (L) x 16 (T) x 10 (H) cm
Weight 4 kg
Electromagnetic compatibility
The SOLIS MAXIMA has been engineered to meet
current electromagnetic compatibility requirements.
Disposal: In conformity with Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE), at the end of its life the unit should be taken to an electrical appliance collection point for its
environmentally friendly disposal.
Accessories Art.-Nr.
Canister 1,5 l 922.70
Canister 2 l und 4 l 922.71
3er Canister set with lids (Family) 922.72
Square Canister 922.73
Small lid 922.80
Large lid 922.81
2 Bottle caps 922.90
2 Rolls 30 x 600 cm 922.50
2 Rolls 20 x 600 cm 922.51
2 Rolls 15 x 600 cm 922.52
50 Bags 20 x 30 cm 922.61
50 Bags 30 x 40 cm 922.64
Set of 6 Leifheit Glass Jars 1 l 922.91
Set of 6 Leifheit Glass Jars 0.5 l 922.92
Set of 12 Leifheit Metal Rims and Lids 922.93
SOLIS accessories are made of solid, non toxic materials, which are suitable for food storage (food safe), which
are easy to clean and can be sterilized like normal kitchen articles.
The SOLIS MAXIMA does not work
• Make sure that the ON(I)/OFF(0) switch (8) has
been pressed properly to allow the appliance to
work. The green light should be on.
• Make sure the SOLIS MAXIMA has been plugged
in properly. Check the electric socket by plugging
another appliance into it.
• The SOLIS MAXIMA will stop automatically if
overheated. Allow it to cool down for 15 minutes
and try again.
• Check for faults in the power cord or the plug.
Should you detect a fault, do not use the appliance.
The SOLIS MAXIMA fails to apply the first seal
on the bag cut from the roll
• Make sure the bag cut from the roll is properly
positioned as described in the paragraph: «Making
bags from SOLIS rolls»
The SOLIS MAXIMA does not create a complete
vacuum in the bags
The Sealing Time knob (5) might have been
positioned on too low a setting during the first
sealing operation. The Sealing Time knob (5) should
be positioned between «5» and «7». Carry out a
second sealing operation along the same line and
repeat the vacuum-forming process.
• It might be necessary to raise the Vacuum Level (2)
to a higher setting; Turn the Vacuum Knob (2)
clockwise to increase the vacuum.
To seal the bag properly, you must make sure that
the open end remains completely inside the
Vacuum Chamber.
• Make sure that the Sealing Bar, the Sealing
Gaskets and Airtight Gaskets are free of impurities.
After cleaning them, put them properly back in
• The SOLIS bag might have a hole in it. To check
the bag, seal it with air inside, place it underwater
and apply pressure on it. The appearance of
bubbles means that there is a leak. Reseal or use
another bag.
The SOLIS MAXIMA does not seal the bag
Whenever the machine does not seal the bag
completely, turn the Sealing Time knob (5) clockwise
to increase the sealing time. not seal the bag properly.
• If the Sealing Bar overheats and melts the bag, you
may have to raise the Lid and allow the Sealing Bar
to cool down for a few minutes.
• The SOLIS MAXIMA is built in conformity with
current safety standards. Overheating will cause it
to turn off automatically. Allow the appliance to cool
down for 15 minutes and try again.
The SOLIS bag does not maintain a vacuum
after being sealed
• Leaks along the seam may be caused by creases,
crumbs, grease or liquids. Reopen the bag, clean
the upper inside part of the bag and remove any
foreign material from the Sealing Bar before
resealing it.
• Check that the bag has no holes in it which have
caused air to leak in. Use paper napkins to protect
any sharp edges on the contents of the bag.
The SOLIS MAXIMA does not create a vacuum
in the containers
• By means of the Connection Hose, connect the
container lid (or the Cap Attachment if necessary)
to the Air Inlet of the appliance.
• Leave enough room (at least 3 cm) between the
contents and the top of the jar or container.
• If liquids come out during the vacuum-packing
process, remember that they must first be chilled
in a refrigerator, not left at room temperature.
• It might be necessary to raise the Vacuum Level (2)
to a higher setting; Turn the Vacuum knob (2)
clockwise to reach the maximum vacuum.
• Check that the rim of the jar or container and the
universal lid are not damaged in the sealing area.
Wipe the rim and cap clean with a cloth moistened
with lukewarm water and repeat the vacuum-
packing process.
• Make sure that the gasket of the container cap or
the universal cap is set properly in place and is not

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