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6 Vacuum packing with bags cut from a roll or
pre-cut bags
– Lift the lid (11) and turn it in the open position.
– Place food in the bag without creasing it
excessively or stretching surfaces. Eliminate any
liquids or food residues from the area inside the
bag that will be sealed.
- Place the bag and its contents in front of the
appliance and place the open end inside the
vacuum chamber (17) (fig. I).
– Lower the lid of the appliance completely (11) and
turn the Vacuum knob (2) to the MAX" position.
– Press the ON(I)/OFF(0) switch (8); the green light
will remain lit while the machine is on (fig. E).
– Press on the lower part of both push buttons (3)
(Lock position) (fig. F) with the palm of your hands
until the lever is engaged (you will hear a click).
The machine will carry out a vacuum packing
cycle. When the package is sealed the lever
releases automatically.
– Lift the lid (11) and remove the bag.
– If you want to interrupt the vacuum process (e.g.
the bag is not properly positioned) you must turn
off the SOLIS MAXIMA (if the lever has not
released automatically) and press the two push
buttons (3) (upper part, Unlock position) (fig. G).
– Check the quality of the seal obtained, which
should appear as a regular, wrinkle-free crosswise
strip with no internal ridges in the bag. (fig. L)
7 How to use the MAN VAC button (6)
Pressing this button will cancel the preselected dial
setting for the Vacuum Level (2). The pump will
continue drawing out air until the button (MAN VAC) is
pressed. When you release the button the machine
will automatically start sealing for the time previously
set with the knob (5) (fig. M).
8 How to use the MAN SEAL button (7)
Pressing this button after the yellow light goes on will
immediately activate the sealing process. This allows
you to prevent delicate, fragile foods from being
crushed (e.g. biscuits, etc.). The sealing time will
naturally depend on the time you have previously set
with knob (5) (fig. N).
9 Vacuum packing in SOLIS containers or in
containers sealed with SOLIS Universal Caps
with new knob
The SOLIS containers and the SOLIS Universal Caps
with star-shaped knob (fig. O) make vacuum packing
easier, because the connection hose can be directly
introduced into the knob central hole (fig. P).
SOLIS Universal Caps, available in two diameters
(100 mm and 125 mm), are to be used on jars for
preserving food and bowls and receptacles made of
tempered glass. The Universal Caps work just like the
Caps for SOLIS containers.
WARNING: When using Universal Caps do not
use plastic or glass containers that are not
suitable since they could implode under the
vacuum pressure of the appliance and cause
– Fill the container leaving at least 3 cm of room
between the contents and upper rim and position
the lid on the container. Turn the knob to the
«VACUUM» position" (fig. O).
– Connect the container lid knob to the appliance air
inlet (4) by means of the connection hose (19) (fig.
Turn the Vacuum Knob (2) clockwise" to «MAX».
Turn the Sealing Time knob (5) counterclockwise to
– Press the switch (8) to turn on the machine and
lock the lid in place by pressing the two buttons
(3). The machine will carry out a vacuum packing
cycle and turn off automatically on its completion.
– Remove the hose from the container lid knob.
Turn the knob to the «CLOSED» position.
To open the containers turn the knob to the «OPEN»
position; you should hear a hissing of air as it
enters the container. This sound guarantees that
the contents have been packed in a vacuum.
10 Vacuum packing in SOLIS Family containers
Multipurpose containers ideal for storage of
frequently used products such as dry and fragile
foods; powder foodstuffs; fresh, pureed or strained
fruit and vegetables. Their transparency and design
makes them attractive to display on kitchen shelves
while ensuring that their contents are clearly visible.
– Fill the container leaving at least 3 cm of room
between the contents and upper rim and position
the lid on the container.
– Connect the container lid knob to the unit air outlet
port (4) by means of the connection tube (19) (fig. Q).
Turn the Vacuum Knob (2) clockwise" to «MAX».
Turn the Sealing Time knob (5) counterclockwise to
– Press the switch (8) to turn on the machine and
lock the lid in place by pressing the two buttons
(3). The machine will carry out a vacuum packing
cycle and turn off automatically on its completion.
– Remove the hose from the container lid.
– Press the central button (20) to open the containers
(fig. Q).
11 Vacuum packing in glass jars sealed with
metal caps (Leifheit type)
Use the large-sized cap attachment to pack foods in
large-mouthed glass jars with a metal cap. A small-
sized cap attachment is also available for narrow-
mouthed jars sealed with metal caps.
– Fill the container leaving at least 3 cm of room
between the contents and upper rim.
– Connect the cap attachment (21) to the air inlet (4)
of the appliance by means of the connection hose
(19). Place the cap attachment directly on the jar
with the metal cap only (22) and press down,
making sure it fits correctly (fig. R).
Turn the Vacuum Knob (2) clockwise" to «MAX».
Turn the Sealing Time knob (5) counterclockwise to
– Press the switch (8) to turn on the machine and
lock the lid in place by pressing the two buttons
(3). The machine will carry out a vacuum packing
cycle and turn off automatically on its completion.
Make sure that the cap attachment holds firmly,
keeping it pressed with your hand.
– Disconnect the hose from the cap attachment.
Remove the cap attachment from the jar.
Apply the ring (23) supplied with the jar and screw
it down all the way (fig. R).
To open a glass jar vacuum-sealed with a metal
cap, use the cap opener provided (the side with
writing should be turned up). Position the cap
opener as shown in figure S and gently pry open
the cap until the vacuum is released. Remove the
metal cap. This accessory allows you to reuse the
12 Vacuum packing with SOLIS bottle caps
The SOLIS Bottle Cap may be used to seal partly
filled bottles of wine or non-fizzy beverages. Using
the Bottle Cap will allow you to create a vacuum
inside the bottle so as to slow down oxidisation and
preserve the freshness and flavour of its contents for
a longer time.
– By means of the connection hose (19) connect the
air inlet (4) of the appliance to the SOLIS Bottle
Cap (24) (fig. T). Press the Cap firmly into the
Turn the Vacuum Knob (2) clockwise" to «MAX».
Turn the Sealing Time knob (5) counterclockwise to
– Press the switch (8) to turn on the machine and
lock the lid in place by pressing the two buttons
(3). The machine will carry out a vacuum packing
cycle and turn off automatically on its completion.
– Disconnect the hose from both the Bottle Cap and
the appliance immediately.
To open a bottle sealed with the SOLIS Bottle Cap,
simply pull the cap out of the bottle. You will hear
the air rushing into the bottle.

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