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Tangy Sweet & Sour Sauce
(about 1 cup)
For chicken, pork, shrimp, rice, or noodles.
¾ cup pineapple juice
¼ cup ketchup
¼ cup water
1 teaspoon vinegar
½ cup sugar
2 teaspoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1. Put Sauce Whip in pitcher and add pine-
apple juice, ketchup, water, vinegar, sugar,
soy sauce, and cornstarch. Hold top of whip
and rotate in both directions until it moves
easily and distributes cornstarch. Cover
pitcher with lid and press start button.
2. When unit shuts off automatically,
remove pitcher from base and use a heat
resistant rubber spatula to stir sauce at
bottom of pitcher for about 10 seconds.
3. Pour and scoop out sauce.
Swiss Fondue Sauce (about ¾ cup)
Dip chunks of crusty bread or chips into
warm cheese sauce for appetizers, pour
over buttered toast for a light lunch, or
ladle onto hot cooked vegetables.
½ cup dry white wine
2 teaspoons cornstarch or potato starch
½ teaspoon dry bouillon powder or
moist bouillon paste
1 packed cup (125 g) shredded Swiss,
Emmenthaler, or Gruyere cheese
1. Put Sauce Whip in pitcher and add wine,
bouillon powder and cornstarch. Hold top
of whip, and rotate in both directions until
it moves easily and distributes cornstarch
evenly. Cover pitcher with lid and press start
2. After about 30 seconds, lift pitcher from
base to stop unit, open lid, and sprinkle Vs
of the cheese into the wine mixture. Use
a heat resistant rubber spatula to stir and
distribute cheese into mixture.
3. Return pitcher to base, push whip down,
cover pitcher with lid, press the start button,
and let run until whip is spinning freely.
4. Repeat adding cheese 2 more times.
(If whip stalls, lift pitcher from base, use
heat resistant rubber spatula to distribute
5. When unit shuts off automatically,
remove pitcher from base and use a heat
resistant rubber spatula to stir sauce vigo-
rously against the bottom of pitcher for
about 30 seconds.
6. Use spatula to scoop and pour into a
bowl or, if serving as a dip for appetizers,
into a chafing dish over hot water.
7. Serve the sauce hot or warm.
reduces the volume and they become thicker.
If the custard is thinner than desired, let cool,
add 2 teaspoons cornstarch, return to the
pitcher, and cook again as directed. When
making custard again, simply add the cornst-
arch to the ingredients before cooking.
1 cup reduced fat or whole milk
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Flavouring (choices follow) added to finished
1. Put Sauce Whip in pitcher and add milk,
sugar, eggs and vanilla extract. Cover pitcher
with lid and press start button. (The cycle is
usually about 5 minutes.)
2. When unit shuts off automatically, remove
pitcher from base and use a heat resistant
rubber spatula to stir vigorously against
bottom of pitcher for about 60 seconds. Use
spatula to pour and scoop custard into a
3. Stir to blend and add flavouring to taste
with syrup, brandy, or liqueur.
4. Serve hot, warm, or cold; mixture
thickens as it cools.
5. Cover airtight and chill to serve cold, or
to store up to 3 days; stir to blend before
Reduced fat milk custard makes about
4 cups when hot and stirs down to about 2½
cups when cold. Whole milk custard makes
about 3½ cups when hot and stirs down
to about 1½ cups when cold. Flavouring
choices: Froth Au Lait Flavoured Syrups (1 to
3 tablespoons), 1 teaspoon vanilla extract,
¼ teaspoon almond extract, citrus oils or
extracts to taste, and liqueurs to taste (1 to
3 tablespoons) such as Grand Marnier, Coin-
treau, Kirsch, Amaretto, Frangelico, Brandy,
Benedictine, rum, coffee or chocolate flavour
liqueurs, and creme de cassis.
Intense Orange Curd (about 1 cup)
cup (125 g) butter / 2 large eggs
3 tablespoons fresh orange juice
1 tablespoon frozen orange juice
concentrate, thawed
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
cup sugar
2 teaspoons grated orange peel
1 tablespoon Cointreau (optional)
1. Heat butter in microwave between
35 to 50 seconds until it melts. Stir to melt
remaining butter; it should not be hot.
Refrigerate in measuring cup to cool for
2 to 3 minutes.
2. Put Sauce Whip in pitcher and add eggs,
orange juice, orange juice concentrate,
lemon juice, sugar, and orange peel. Stir to
distribute ingredients. Have melted butter in
measuring cup available but do not add it
at this time. Cover pitcher with lid and press
start button.
3. After about 1 minute, while unit is
running, slightly lift and tilt Flavour Hatch
towards you and slowly pour melted butter
through opening into pitcher. Lock Flavour
Hatch into place.
4. When unit shuts off automatically, remove
pitcher from base and use a heat resistant
rubber spatula to stir curd vigorously against
bottom of pitcher for about 60 seconds.
5. Scoop and pour curd into a bowl and stir.
6. If desired, rub curd through strainer and
discard peel. Flavour curd with Cointreau.
7. Serve warm or cover airtight and chill to
serve cold or to store up to 3 days.
Brandy Sauce (about 3 cups)
Serve hot with fruit salad, ice cream, or
sliced fruit cake.
2 tablespoons brandy
1. Follow recipe for Good old Fashioned
Custard or Cream Custard.
2. When custard is complete, scoop into a
bowl, add brandy, and stir to blend.
Elegant Custards
Froth‘n Sauce custards cook in about 5 minutes and are consistent in quality and texture.
When the unit shuts off automatically, use a heat resistant rubber spatula to stir sauce vigo-
rously against the bottom of pitcher for about 60 seconds. Use spatula to pour the custards
from the pitcher. Serve soft custards as a sauce, hot or cold, on fruit, ice cream, or over des-
serts. Enjoy thick custards as desserts or as a nourishing breakfast.
Fashioned Custard
You can use reduced fat or whole milk to
make this custard; the reduced fat milk
sauce tends to be thinner and more
delicate. The custards are at their foamiest
(uniform tiny bubbles throughout) when
hot; stirring after cooking or when cool

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