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Always unplug unit and allow to cool
completely before cleaning.
To Clean Exterior Body and Inner Rice Pot:
1. Remove the inner cooking pot. Wash it in warm, soapy water using a nylon sponge
or dishcloth.
2. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
3. Wipe the body of the rice cooker clean with a damp cloth.
To Clean the Underside of the Lid: (See Diagram 1)
The underside of the lid should be cleaned after every use.
1. Detach the inner lid from the shaft by gently tugging it outward.
Soak briefly.
2. Wipe the underside of the lid with a warm, damp cloth.
3. Dry with a soft, dry cloth.
4. Install the inner lid to the outer lid by pressing the inner lid over
the inner lid shaft. After installing the inner lid, the small side of
the inner lid seal should face you with the outer lid open.
If the inner lid is inserted improperly, the outer lid will not close.
NOTE: Never clean the appliance while the cooker
is still hot.
To Clean Heating Plate: (See Diagram 2)
The heating plate should be cleaned after every use.
1. Wipe the heating plate with a warm, damp cloth.
2. Dry with a soft, dry cloth.
3. Rice grains or other dried materials may stick to the heating plate.
Repeat Steps 1 und 2 until the heating plate is completely clean to
ensure full contact between the inner pot and the heating plate.
Otherwise, the appliance will not close properly and may overheat.
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or products that are not considered safe to use on non-stick
This appliance is NOT dishwasher safe. Inner pot and accessories are NOT dishwasher safe.
Always make sure the outside of the inner pot is dry prior to use. If inner cooking pot is returned
when wet, it may damage this product, causing it to malfunction.
Because rice variations may vary in their make-up, results may also differ. Below are some troubleshooting
tips to help you achieve the desired consistency.
Rice is to dry/hard
after cooking.
Rice is too moist/soggy
after cooking.
If your rice is dry or hard/chewy when the rice cooker
switches to “WARM” mode, additional water and cooking
time will soften the rice. Depending on how dry your rice
is, add ½ to 1 cup of water and stir through. Close the
lid and press down the power switch to “COOK” mode.
When rice cooker switches to “WARM” mode, open the
lid and stir the rice to check the consistency. Repeat as
necessary until rice is soft and moist.
If you rice is still too wet or soggy when the rice cooker
switches to “WARM” mode, use the rice paddle to stir the
rice. This will redistribute the bottom (moistest) part of the
rice as well as release excess moisture. Close the lid and
allow to remain on “WARM” mode for 10-30 minutes as
needed, opening the lid and stirring periodically to release
excess moisture.
044 874 64 14
(Only for customers in Switzerland)
This item stands out due to its long-life cycle and reliability. Despite this though, if a malfunction ever
occurs, simply give us a call. Often a breakdown can be easily and quickly remedied with the right tip
or technique without having to straight away send off the device for repair. We will give you all the
advice and practical support you require.
34 35
Solis_Rice_Cooker_Betriebsanleitung.indd 34-35 17.11.09 10:42

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