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A beginner’s guide to
slow cooking
In years gone by, food cooked in large pots and
allowed to simmer for hours was full of flavour,
moist and tender. The Solis Slow Cooker is designed
to produce these same results, whilst leaving you
the time to do other things, making it perfect for
today’s busy lifestyles.
Here is a guide to help simplify the process of
slow cooking, allowing you to obtain maximum
satisfaction from your Slow Cooker:
It’s all in the timing
Always allow sufficient time for the food to cook. It
is almost impossible to overcook in the Slow Cooker
particularly when using the Low setting.
Most of the recipes can be cooked on the High or
Low settings, however the cooking times will vary
Ensure the food and/or liquid fills at least ½ to
¾ of the removable crockery bowl.
High humidity, altitude, cold tap water and ingredi
ents and minor fluctuations may slightly affect the
cooking times in the Slow Cooker
Adapting cooking times
Your favourite traditional recipes can be adapted
easily by halving the amount of liquid and increas-
ing the cooking time considerably. The following is
a guide to adjusting your favourite recipes:
Traditional Slow Cooker
recipe time recipe time
15-30 minutes 4-6 hours on
low setting
60 minutes 6-8 hours on
low setting
1-3 hours 8-12 hours on
low setting
These times are approximate. Times can vary
depending on ingredients and quantities
in recipes.
Adapting liquid amounts
When food is cooking in your Slow Cooker, most
moisture is retained. To allow for this when using
traditional recipes it is advisable to halve the liquid
However, after cooking if the liquid quantity is
excessive, remove the lid and operate the Slow
Cooker on the High setting for 30-45 minutes or
until the liquid reduces by the desired
amount. Alternatively, the liquid can be thickened
by adding a mixture of cornflour and water.
Stirring the food
Little or no stirring is required when using the Low
setting placed in the centre of the removable crock
ery bow. However, stirring the food when using the
High setting ensures even flavour distribution.
Preparing meat and poultry
Select the leanest cuts when purchasing meat. Trim
the meat or poultry of any visible fat. If
possible, purchase chicken portions without the
skin. Otherwise, the slow cooking process will result
in the fat melting and creating extra liquid .
Whole chickens may release a large amount of
liquid and fat when using the slow cooking process.
For casserole-type recipes, cut the meat into cubes,
approximately 2.5cm to 3cm. Slow cooking allows
less tender cuts of meat to be used.
Suitable meat cuts for slow cooking
Beef Beef chuck, skirt, round steak, boneless
shin (gravy) beef, bone-in shin (Osso
Lamb Lamb shanks, drumsticks (frenched
shanks), neck chops, best neck chops,
boned out
forequarter or shoulder
Veal Diced leg, shoulder/forequarter chops
and steaks, neck chops, knuckle (Osso
Pork Leg steaks, diced belly, diced shoulder,
boneless loin chops
Anleitung_slow_cooker.indd 24 31.1.2008 15:59:21 Uhr

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