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Instructions for the User
12.2.2 The grids
For the best results, clean the grids when still warm. Wearing heat-resistant gloves, dip them in water
and then scrub them with a brass-bristle brush to remove any food residues. Complete cleaning by
washing the grids with a degreasing detergent and rinse thoroughly.
The continuous contact between the grids and the flame may cause the steel to lose its shine in the
areas exposed to heat over time. This is an absolutely natural phenomenon which does not impair this
component's operation at all. To reduce the yellowing of the grids, we recommend cleaning with Crema
inox and a non-abrasive sponge.
The grids are dishwasher-friendly.
After thorough cleaning, operate the appliance to burn off detergent residues.
12.2.3 The burners
Check regularly that the burners are igniting completely and no gas outlet holes are clogged.
If you notice that a burner is not igniting completely, blowing it with compressed air may be sufficient to
clear dust or spiders' webs from the clogged holes. If this is not sufficient, the burners can be dismantled
for more thorough cleaning, for example by poking a pin through the clogged holes and blowing
compressed air straight into the burner.
To dismantle the burners, the two fixing screws A must first be removed. The burners can then be
removed from their bases in the front of the appliance (Detail B) for more thorough cleaning. To
reassemble the burners, fit the front into the hole (detail B) and retighten the screws A.
12.3 Cleaning the dripping pans
After cooking, and after leaving the appliance to cool for at least two hours, extract the dripping
pans, into which a thin layer of water has been poured before cooking started, and pour the fats into a
container from which they can then be disposed of appropriately. The oil or fat produced by cooking
meat and fish must never be poured down drains or sinks, for example. It must be disposed of correctly
in special containers or delivered to the regulation collection points. Clean the dripping pans with
suitable non-abrasive products and put them back in place.
12.4 Cleaning the glass of the lid
After cooking, after allowing the appliance to cook for at least two hours after cooking finishes,
clean the glass of the lid with kitchen roll. Remove stubborn dirt with a damp sponge and ordinary
Do not use abrasive or corrosive cleaners for cleaning the glass of the lid.
Do not use rough or abrasive materials or sharp metal scrapers to clean the glass of the lid since
they may scratch the surface and cause the glass to shatter.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg bq61t

Smeg bq61t Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 23 pagina's

Smeg bq61t Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

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