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Instructions for the User
For the best, most thorough cleaning, we recommend the use of fairly mild products; use cream-type
stainless steel cleaners. SMEG brand products, which guarantee optimal cleaning of your appliance, are
available from authorised service centres.
Protective gloves should be worn when cleaning internal steel parts of the appliance.
12.1 Cleaning the exterior (stainless steel)
To keep the appliance in good condition, the outside and inside parts and accessories should be
cleaned regularly after each use, after allowing them to cool.
For optimal, in-depth cleaning of your barbecue, wear protective gloves and use specific degreasing
cleaners for stainless steel.
SMEG brand products, which guarantee optimal cleaning of your appliance, are available from
authorised service centres. (Puliforno and Crema inox)
12.1.1 Routine cleaning
When cleaning and caring for external stainless steel surfaces, always use only specific
products which do not contain abrasives or chlorine-based acids.
Never use metal scouring pads or sharp scrapers; they will damage the stainless steel. Use
ordinary non-abrasive products, with the aid of wooden or plastic utensils if necessary.
Instructions for use: spray the product straight onto the dirty surfaces several times.
Wipe with a non-abrasive sponge, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. For the best results,
allow the degreasing detergent to act for some time. To eliminate yellowing, pour Crema inox
onto a paper cloth and rub in the direction of the satin-finish.
12.2 Cleaning the internal barbecue components
12.2.1 The ceramic plates
The ceramic plates are made from refractory material and are therefore fragile; handle with care to avoid
After each use, the burners should be operated with no food present at the maximum power for 10/15
minutes, to allow the plates to eliminate the food and grease residues accumulated during cooking.
Following this procedure after each use will keep the plates in peak condition over time.
Important: after prolonged and/or fatty cooking processes, it is best to remove excess fat from the
plates with a brush. Finish by cleaning the appliance as indicated above.
To keep the plates always clean and in optimal working order, they should be turned periodically so that
a different side faces towards the burners. The heat of the flames burns off the food and grease residues
that build up during cooking.
The refractory plates must only be fitted underneath the grids and not underneath the stainless
steel plate.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg bq61t

Smeg bq61t Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 23 pagina's

Smeg bq61t Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

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