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For this appliance
If your hob has a cookware detector, do
not rely on it exclusively.
• Remove any traces of liquid from the lid
(if fitted) before opening.
• Let the cooking surface cool down
before closing the lid.
• If cracks or fissures form, or if the glass
ceramic cooking surface breaks, turn off
the appliance immediately. Disconnect
the power supply and call Technical
• People who have pacemakers or other
similar devices fitted must make sure that
the operation of these devices is not
jeopardised by the inductive field, whose
frequency range is between 20 and
50 kHz.
• In conformity with the provisions
regarding electromagnetic compatibility,
the electromagnetic induction cooking
hob comes under group 2 and class B
(EN 55011).
1.2 Manufacturer liability
The manufacturer declines all liability for
damage to persons or property caused by:
• Use of the appliance other than that
• Failure to observe the provisions of the
user manual;
• Tampering with any part of the
• Use of non-original spare parts.
1.3 Appliance purpose
• This appliance is intended for cooking
food in the home environment. Every
other use is considered improper.
• This appliance may be used by children
aged at least 8 and by people of
reduced physical, sensory or mental
capacity, or lacking in experience in the
use of electrical appliances, provided
that they are supervised or instructed by
adults who are responsible for their
• The appliance is not designed to
operate with external timers or with
remote-control systems.
1.4 Disposal
This appliance must be disposed of
separately from other waste
(Directives 2002/95/EC, 2002/
96/EC, 2003/108/EC). The appliance
does not contain substances in quantities
sufficient to be considered hazardous to
health and the environment, in accordance
with current European directives.
To dispose of the appliance:
Cut the power supply cable and remove
it along with the plug.
Power voltage
Danger of electrocution
• Disconnect the mains power supply.
• Unplug the appliance.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg SIM631WLDX

Smeg SIM631WLDX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 30 pagina's

Smeg SIM631WLDX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

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