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1 Instructions
1.1 General safety instructions
Risk of personal injury
• During use the appliance and its
accessible parts become very hot.
• Never touch the heating elements
during use.
• Keep children under eight years of
age at a safe distance if they are not
constantly supervised.
• Children must never play with the
• Never rest metallic objects such as
knives, forks, spoons and lids on the
appliance during use.
Switch off the appliance immediately
after use.
• Never try to put out a fire or flames
with water: Turn off the appliance
and smother the flames with a fire
blanket or other appropriate cover.
• Cleaning and maintenance must not
be carried out by unsupervised
• Have qualified personnel carry out
installation and assistance
interventions according to the
standards in force.
• CAUTION – The cooking process
has to be supervised. A short term
cooking process has to be
supervised continuously.
Warning – Unattended cooking on a
hob with fat or oil can be dangerous
and may result in a fire
• Do not modify this appliance.
• Do not insert pointed metal objects
(cutlery or utensils) into the slots in the
• Do not try to repair the appliance
yourself or without the intervention of
a qualified technician.
• If the power supply cable is
damaged, contact technical support
immediately and they will replace it.
Risk of damaging the appliance
• Do not use abrasive or corrosive
detergents (e.g. scouring powders,
stain removers and pan scourers) on
glass parts.
• Use wooden or plastic utensils.
• Do not seat on the appliance.
• Do not use steam jets to clean the
• Do not obstruct ventilation openings
and heat dispersal slots.
• Never leave the appliance
unattended during cooking
operations where fats or oils could
be released.
• Never leave objects on the cooking
• Do not use the appliance to heat
rooms for any reason.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg SIM631WLDX

Smeg SIM631WLDX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 30 pagina's

Smeg SIM631WLDX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

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