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Lights ON/OFF
0/1 OFF/1 speed
2-3-4 Speed adjustment
Filters reset button
- AUTO POWER-OFF TIMER: Pushing one of the speed adjustment buttons (2-3-4)
twice, you will activate the “Auto power-off timer” function that turns the motor and light off
after 10 mins. The activation of such function is signalled by the blinking LED
above the pressed button.
- FILTERS CLEANING WARNING: When all the 4 LEDs blink at the same time (which is
programmed to happen every 100h of operation), the user is required to
clean/replace the filters .
Pressing the Reset button the 100h count will start again
Note: Pressing the reset button accidentally before the end of the 100h
cycle does not reset the filters cleaning memory
It is recommended that grease filters are cleaned every 100h and active
carbon filters are replaced every 200h.
Before performing any cleaning and/or maintenance operation always disconnect
the hood from the mains supply.
Regular cleaning will ensure a good performance and extend the working life of the hood.
Special attention should be given to the grease filters and carbon filters (for recycling
hoods only).
Note: An excess of grease in the filter, as well as affecting the performance of the
hood, can also be a fire risk.
External and internal cleaning of the hood should be performed with a damp cloth and a
non-bleach liquid detergent,
absolutely avoiding solvents or abrasive substances.
is advisable to use specific products, following their instructions. When cleaning the steel
of the hood, we suggest rubbing in the same direction as the grain.
EN 05

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg KS 1250X-1

Smeg KS 1250X-1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Smeg KS 1250X-1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Smeg KS 1250X-1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano - 8 pagina's

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