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when original accessories are used
Use only accessories with an allowable speed matching
at least the highest no-load speed of the tool
Do not use damaged or deformed router bits
Only use sharp router bits
Protect accessories from impact, shock and grease
Only use high speed steel (HSS) or carbide-tipped (CT)
router bits with this tool
Avoid damage that can be caused by screws, nails and
other elements in your workpiece; remove them before
you start working
Always check that the supply voltage is the same as the
voltage indicated on the nameplate of the tool
Do not work materials containing asbestos (asbestos
is considered carcinogenic)
Do not clamp the tool in a vice
Use completely unrolled and safe extension cords with a
capacity of 16 Amps (U.K. 13 Amps)
The noise level when working can exceed 85 dB(A); wear
ear protection
Dust from material such as paint containing lead, some
wood species, minerals and metal may be harmful
(contact with or inhalation of the dust may cause allergic
reactions and/or respiratory diseases to the operator or
bystanders); wear a dust mask and work with a dust
extraction device when connectable
Certain kinds of dust are classied as carcinogenic
(such as oak and beech dust) especially in conjunction
with additives for wood conditioning; wear a dust
mask and work with a dust extraction device when
Follow the dust-related national requirements for the
materials you want to work with
Be sure tool is switched o when plugging in
Always keep the cord away from moving parts of the tool;
direct the cord to the rear, away from the tool
Never use the tool when base-plate R 2 (=protective
guard) is damaged; have it replaced by a qualied person
Never use the tool when the cord is damaged; it must be
replaced by a specially prepared cord available through
the service organization.
Keep hands and ngers away from router bit when tool is
switched on
Never exceed maximum cutting depth of router bit while
In case of electrical or mechanical malfunction,
immediately switch o the tool and disconnect the plug
In case the router bit is blocked, resulting in jerking forces
on the tool, immediately switch o the tool
In case of current interruption or when the plug is
accidentally pulled out, immediately switch o the tool in
order to prevent uncontrolled restarting
Do not apply so much pressure on the tool that it comes
to a standstill
After nishing the work, loosen lever J 2, guide the tool
back into the upper starting position, and switch o the
3 Read the instruction manual before use
4 Double insulation (no earth wire required)
5 Do not dispose of the tool together with household waste
h) Do not let familiarity gained from frequent use of
tools allow you to become complacent and ignore
tool safety principles. A careless action can cause
severe injury within a fraction of a second.
a) Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power
tool for your application. The correct power tool will
do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was
b) Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn
 Any power tool that cannot be controlled
with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Disconnect the plug from the power source and/
or remove the battery pack, if detachable, from
the power tool before making any adjustments,
changing accessories, or storing power tools. Such
preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the
power tool accidentally.
d) Store idle power tools out of the reach of children
and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power
tool or these instructions to operate the power tool.
Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained
e) Maintain power tools and accessories. Check for
misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage
power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power
tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused
by poorly maintained power tools.
f) Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly
maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less
likely to bind and are easier to control.
g) Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc.,
in accordance with these instructions, taking into
account the working conditions and the work to be
performed. Use of the power tool for operations dierent
from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.
h) Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean
and free from oil and grease. Slippery handles and
grasping surfaces do not allow for safe handling and
control of the tool in unexpected situations.
a) 
person using only identical replacement parts. This
will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.
Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces,
because the cutter may contact its own cord (cutting
a “live” wire may make exposed metal parts of the power
tool “live”and could give the operator an electric shock)
Use clamps or another practical way to secure and
support the workpiece to a stable platform (holding
the workpiece by hand or against your body leaves it
unstable and may lead to loss of control)
This tool should not be used by people under the age of
16 years
Always disconnect plug from power source before
making any adjustment or changing any accessory
SKIL can assure awless functioning of the tool only

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