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- 71 -
The display 1 indicates "E01" and signal tones
The microwave is overheated. Terminate the cur-
rent programme immediately. Remove the plug
from the mains power socket, open the microwa-
ve door and allow the appliance to cool down.
The display 1 indicates "E02" and signal tones
There is an error on the sensor. Interrupt the
programme and let the appliance cool down.
Then restart the microwave. If the error occurs
again, contact Customer Support.
There is an error during the heating up of the
appliance. Interrupt the programme and let the
appliance cool down. Then restart the micro-
wave. If the error occurs again, contact Customer
The display 1 indicates "E03" and signal tones
Due to a short circuit or open circuit voltage,
the microwave has switched into fault protection.
Stop the programme and remove the power
plug. If possible, eliminate the problem, e.g.
metals in the cooking area, which can lead to
the above problem when using the microwave
function. Otherwise, please contact our Customer
Do not dispose of this appliance in your
normal domestic waste. This product is
subject to the provisions of European
Directive 2002/96/EC.
Dispose of the appliance through an approved di-
sposal centre or at your community waste facility.
Observe the currently applicable regulations.
In case of doubt, please
contact your waste disposal centre.
Dispose of all packaging materials in an en-
vironmentally friendly manner.
Warranty and Service
You receive a 3-year warranty for this appliance
as of the purchase date. This appliance has been
manufactured with care and meticulously examined
before delivery.
Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase. In
the case of a warranty claim, please make contact
by telephone with our service department. Only in
this way can a post-free despatch for your goods
be assured.
The warranty covers only claims for material and
manufacturing defects, not for transport damages,
worn parts or for damage to fragile components,
e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for private
use only and is not intended for commercial ap-
In the event of misuse and improper handling, use
of force and interference not carried out by our
authorized service branch, the warranty will be-
come void.. Your statutory rights are not restricted
in any way by this warranty.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest SMW 900 EDS B2 - IAN 73194

Silvercrest SMW 900 EDS B2 - IAN 73194 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 100 pagina's

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