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11/2015 – V 1.7
The Bluetooth
word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any
use of such marks by TARGA GmbH is under license.
USB is a registered trademark.
Other names and products may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Thank you for purchasing a SilverCrest Bluetooth
audio transmitter/receiver SBR 3.0 A1, hereinafter
referred to as SBR 3.0 A1.
Intended use
This SBR 3.0 A1 is an information technology device and enables you on the one hand to transmit
audio signals wirelessly, for example, from your stereo system to a Bluetooth
headset. You can also
wirelessly transmit, for example, music files that are on your smartphone to a stereo system and play
them back on the system. The SBR 3.0 A1 is not designed for commercial use or operation in a
company, but solely for private purposes. Any other use is not as intended. This Bluetooth
complies with all required standards and directives In the event of any modification to the Bluetooth
audio transmitter/receiver that was not approved by the manufacturer, compliance with these
standards is no longer guaranteed. The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any resulting
damage or faults in such cases.
Please observe the regulations and laws in the country of use.
Supplied items
Take the device and all accessories from the packaging. Remove all packaging material and check
that all parts are complete and undamaged. In the event of an incomplete or damaged delivery,
please contact the manufacturer.
A. Bluetooth
audio transmitter/receiver SBR 3.0 A1
B. RCA cable
C. USB charging cable
D. Audio cable (3.5mm jack plug)
E. USB power supply
F. Adapter (3.5mm to 6.3mm)
G. These operating instructions (symbolic representation)
Technical data
SBR 3.0 A1
Input voltage / current 5V / max. 500mA
Profile support A2DP
specification V3.0 + EDR
Range max. 10 metres
Internal battery Li-Ion 700mAh
Charging time (with supplied USB power supply) approx. 8 hours
Operating time when the battery is fully charged min. 8 hours
Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C
Operating air humidity
max. 85% rel. humidity
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 5.9 x 2.4 x 5.9cm
Weight approx. 52g
USB power supply
Type KPTEC / K05S050100G
Input voltage / input current 100 – 240V , 50/60Hz / 0.2A
Output voltage / output current 5V / 1.0A
Protection class II
Weight (including USB cable) approx. 55g
The technical data and design may be changed without notification.
Safety instructions
Before using the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) for the first time, please read the following instructions carefully even
if you are familiar with using electronic devices. Store these operating instructions in a safe place for
future reference. If you pass on the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) to someone else, be sure to always include these
operating instructions. They are an integral part of the device.
DANGER! This symbol in conjunction with the "danger" note indicates an imminent
dangerous situation which, if not prevented, could result in serious injury or even death.
WARNING! This symbol in conjunction with the "warning" note indicates important
information for safe operation of the device and the safety of the user.
This symbol warns of health risks due to high volume.
This symbol indicates other important information on the topic.
Operating environment
The SBR 3.0 A1 (A) is not designed for use in environments with a high temperature or humidity, and
must be kept free from dust. Operating temperatures and operating air humidity: 0°C to +40°C, max.
85% rel. humidity. Note that furniture may have been treated with care products that could damage
the rubber feet of the SBR 3.0 A1 (A).
DANGER! Ensure that
no direct heat sources (e.g. heating) can affect the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) because it may be damaged
the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) is not exposed to direct sunlight or bright artificial light because it may be
damaged otherwise
no fire sources (e.g. burning candles) are placed on or near the SBR 3.0 A1 (A); there is a risk of
no foreign objects penetrate the device because there is a risk of a short circuit
contact with dripping water and splashes and corrosive liquids is prevented and the SBR 3.0 A1 (A)
is never operated near water; in particular, it should never be immersed (do not place any objects
filled with liquids, e.g. vases or drinks, on or near the SBR 3.0 A1 (A); there is a risk of fire or a short
the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) is never covered while it is charging as it can become heated
the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) is switched off immediately if there are any unusual sounds or if smoke is emitted
from it
the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) is not exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations as this could result in
condensation and electrical short circuits; there is a risk of fire. If the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) was subjected
to extreme temperature fluctuations, however, wait (approx. 2 hours) until it has reached ambient
temperature before use
all cables are always laid in such a manner that nobody is obstructed or can trip over them. There is
a risk of injury.
the USB power supply (E) is only inserted in a suitable socket that is always easily accessible and
never covered. The USB power supply (E) is never opened or handled with wet hands. There is a
risk of a fatal electric shock!
the USB power supply (E) is always disconnected from the mains power supply during a
thunderstorm. Also if there are any unusual sounds or if smoke is emitted from the power supply.
DANGER! Children and persons with
Electrical devices do not belong in the hands of children. This device can be used by children aged 8
and older and by persons with reduced mental or sensory abilities, movement disorders or lack of
experience and knowledge if they are supervised or have been instructed on the safe use of the SBR
3.0 A1 and understand the resulting risks. Children should always be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with this device. Cleaning and user maintenance must not be carried out by children without
Always keep plastic packaging out of reach.
It poses a suffocation risk!
DANGER! Radio interface
Turn the device off in aircraft, hospitals, operating rooms or in the vicinity of medical electronic systems.
The transmitted radio waves can impair the functionality of sensitive devices. Keep the device at least
20cm away from any pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators, since the proper
functioning of the pacemaker can be impaired by radio waves. The transmitted radio waves can cause
interference in hearing aids. Do not place the SBR 3.0 A1 in the vicinity of flammable gases or in a
potentially explosive environment (e.g. paint shop) when the radio components are switched on
because the transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a fire. The range of the radio waves is
dependent on conditions in the surrounding environment. In the event of data traffic via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorised third parties to receive data. TARGA GmbH is not
responsible for radio or television interference caused by unauthorised changes to this device. In
addition, TARGA assumes no responsibility for the replacement or exchange of connecting lines and
devices not indicated by TARGA GmbH. The user is solely responsible for the elimination of
interference caused by such unauthorised changes and for the replacement or exchange of the
DANGER! Risk of explosion
The device must not be thrown into a fire because the built-in battery may explode.
Note on disconnecting from the mains
Even if you have disconnected the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) from the USB power supply (E), power continues to
be consumed by the USB power supply (E) as long as it is plugged into a mains socket. If necessary,
unplug the USB power supply from the socket to save power.
Maintenance / cleaning
The SBR 3.0 A1 (A) does not contain any parts that require servicing or cleaning. Ensure that the SBR
3.0 A1 (A) does not become dirty. Never open the housing of the device.
WARNING! Clean the SBR 3.0 A1 (A) with a slightly damp cloth if it becomes dirty.
Do not use any solvents, corrosive or gaseous cleaning agents. The SBR 3.0 A1 (A)
could be damaged.
Overview of the controls
LED (blue)
LED (red)
LED (green)
LED (yellow)
6 Mode selection switch RX-Off-TX
Micro USB socket
Audio Out socket (3.5mm)
Audio In socket (3.5mm)

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