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16 GBIE SSM 200 A1
Using the appliance
1) Take the fruits out of the freezer about
10 – 20minutes before use.
2) Place a suitable bowl under the outlet 9.
3) Remove the pusher 6 from the feed tube 2.
4) Add the prepared fruits into the feed tube 2.
5) Switch on the appliance using the on/off
switch 1 (position I).
6) Applying light pressure, use the pusher 6 to
push the fruit into the appliance. The chopped
fruit will come out of the outlet 9 after a short
time. If the pusher 6 cannot be pressed further
down, remove it and add a little more fruit or
If you want to make a sorbet from several
different fruits/ingredients, add the different
fruits alternately into the feed tube 2. In this
way, the fruits will be mixed directly.
7) Once all the fruits are chopped, stop the
appliance by moving the on/off switch 1 to
the O position.
8) Remove the power plug from the socket.
9) Unscrew the end cap 8 and pull the blade
roller 5 carefully out of the roller housing 3.
10) Use a knife to scrape any remaining fruit
residue from between the blades on the blade
roller 5 and add this to the bowl.
11) Mix the fruit in the bowl.
You can now serve the sorbet.
Cleaning and care
Always remove the plug from the mains power
socket before you clean the appliance.
Ensure you never submerse the motor
unit0 in liquid, and never allow liquid to
enter the motor unit housing 0.
Take great care when handling the blade
roller 5.
Clean the motor unit 0 with a moist cloth after
every use . If there is heavy soiling, add mild
detergent to the cloth. Rinse detergent residues
off with clear water. Ensure that there are no
detergent residues on the appliance, and that
the appliance is completely dry before renewed
Remove the pusher lid 7 from the pusher 6
for cleaning purposes.
Wash the pusher 6, the pusher lid 7, the
blade roller 5, the end cap 8 and the roller
housing 3 in lukewarm water with a little
Ensure that all parts are completely dry before
The blade roller 5, pusher 6, pusher
lid 7, end cap 8, and the roller
housing 3 can be cleaned in a
Place the parts, where possible, in the upper
basket and ensure that none of the parts can
get stuck. Otherwise they could get bent or
otherwise deformed.

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