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The Showtec Phantom 75 LED Spot requires almost no maintenance. However, you should keep the unit
clean. Otherwise, the fixture’s light-output will be significantly reduced. Disconnect the mains power
supply and then wipe the cover with a damp cloth. Wipe the front glass panel clean with glass cleaner
and a soft cloth. Do not use alcohol or solvents. The front glass panel will require weekly cleaning, as
smoke-fluid tends to build up residues, reducing the light-output very quickly. Do not immerse in liquid.
The cooling-fans, colour-wheel, the gobowheel, the gobos and the internal lenses should be cleaned
monthly with a soft brush.
Please clean internal components once a year with a light brush and vacuum cleaner.
Keep connections clean. Disconnect electric power, and then wipe the DMX and audio connections
with a damp cloth. Make sure connections are thoroughly dry before linking equipment or supplying
electric power.
The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are to be
inspected by an expert after every year in the course of an acceptance test.
The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are to be
inspected by a skilled person once a year.
The following points have to be considered during the inspection:
1. All screws used for installing the device or parts of the device have to be tightly connected and must
not be corroded.
2. There may not be any deformations on housings, fixations and installation spots.
3. Mechanically moving parts like axles, eyes and others may not show any traces of wearing.
4. The electric power supply cables must not show any damages or material fatigue.
Replacing a Fuse
Power surges, short-circuit or inappropriate electrical power supply may cause a fuse to burn out. If the
fuse burns out, the product will not function whatsoever. If this happens, follow the directions below to do
1. Unplug the unit from electric power source.
2. Insert a screwdriver into the slot in the fuse cover. Gently pry up the fuse cover. The fuse will come out.
3. Remove the used fuse. If brown or unclear, it is burned out.
4. Insert the replacement fuse into the holder where the old fuse was. Reinsert the fuse cover. Be sure to
use a fuse of the same type and specification. See the product specification label for details
Replacing a Gobo from the rotating Gobowheel
1. Disconnect mains power supply and set the switch to OFF.
2. Make sure that the gobo you want to insert has the same size. For the right size, see below.
Gobo Size
Fig. 7

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