Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Chapter 1 Preparations
Safety Instructions ...................................6
Battery Charger Safety ...........................8
Charging the Battery ...............................9
Location of Controls...............................11
Display ...................................................13
Chapter 2 Connection to Computer
Connecting the player to your PC..........14
Installing Software.................................14
Connecting the player to your PC with a
USB cable ...........................................16
Manual Installation of the USB Driver....18
If an error occurs during installation of the
USB driver...........................................18
Using the Player as a Removable Disk..20
Downloading Files.................................20
Disconnecting the USB Cable .................21
Using Media Studio................................22
Downloading Music Files........................22
Sending Playlist....................................24
Formattimg the Player ...........................26
Ripping Tracks from an Audio CD............27
Creating a Folder..................................28
Deleting a Folder/File.............................29
To View Help on Media Studio ................30
Installing Multimedia Studio ...................31
Installing Software.................................31
Using Multimedia Studio ........................33
Editing Images .....................................33
Sending images....................................34
Sending Videos ....................................36
Capturing Video....................................38
To View Help on Multimedia Studio..........41
Chapter 3 Using Your Player
Playing Music .......................................42
Pausing Music......................................42
Adjusting Volume..................................42
Hold Feature ..........................................43
Loop Repeating......................................43
Starting Point .......................................43
Ending Point ........................................43
Searching for Music/Voice Files.............44
To Search for Specific Parts During Play...44
To Change Tracks During Play................44
To Change Tracks when Stopped............44
Setting Main Functions in Music Mode ..45
Add to Favorites ...................................45
EQ .....................................................45
SRS ...................................................46
Play Mode ...........................................47
File Info...............................................47
MENU Options.......................................48
Listening to FM Radio............................49
Switching to FM Radio Mode ..................49
Search for a Frequency..........................49
Setting Main Functions in FM Mode ......50
Mono / Stereo ......................................50
Preset Mode ...............................................50
Edit Preset..................................................51
Auto Preset.................................................51
Recording Voice.....................................52
Recording FM Radio..............................53
Chapter 3 Using Your Player
Recording MP3s ....................................54
Setting Main Functions in Navigation.....55
Go to Top ............................................56
Add to Favorites ...................................57
Delete File ...........................................57
Viewing Text ..........................................58
Setting Main Functions in Text...............59
Go to page...........................................60
Page Scroll Type ..................................61
Auto Scroll...........................................61
Viewing Image Files...............................62
Viewing Video Files................................63
Using USB Host.....................................64
Connecting an External Device ...............64
Transferring Files from External Device
to the Player.........................................65
YH-J70 USB HOST Compatible ..............66
Playing Games.......................................67
Clear Screen........................................67
Othello ................................................68
Tetris ..................................................70
Setting the Advanced Functions ............72
Screen Display Settings.........................73
Scroll Speed
Lcd Off Time
Text Set ..............................................74
Sound Effect Settings ............................75
WOW Level
WOW Optimum ....................................75
Auto EQ .............................................76\
Fade In ...............................................76
User EQ Set ........................................77
Clicker ................................................77
Time/Schedule Settings.........................78
Memo .................................................78
Calendar .............................................79
FM Radio Settings .................................81
FM Region...........................................81
FM Search Level ..................................81
Recording Settings.................................82
Bit Rate...............................................82
Auto Sync............................................82
System Settings.....................................83
File Language ......................................83
Play Speed ..........................................84
Resume ..............................................84
PC Connect Mode.................................84
Motion Sensor......................................85
Default Set...........................................86
Chapter 4 Appendix
MENU Table.........................................87
Chapter 5 Customer Support
Troubleshooting ...................................88

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