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Air Turbo Drying System
- Air Turbo technology spins hard and fast so you can spend less time drying.
- Time Saving AIR TURBO saves your time, ensuring your clothes are dried 30%-40% faster than line
drying alone. Especially during the rainy season and in high-humid weather, laundry that once took
days to drip-dry, such as heavy jeans, bulky sweaters, and thick blankets are dried more rapidly.
Easy-to-iron AIR TURBO is perfect for delicates and clothes made of synthetic fabrics. No more hanging
and waiting. Simply iron straight-out-of-the washer, since AIR TURBO eliminates just enough moisture
to keep clothes adequately damp for ironing.
Diamond Drum
- The diamond shaped drum creates a high water pressure, removing dirt from the laundry effectively.
The diamond drum minimizes fabric damage extending the lifetime of the fabric. The glittering inner
tube is both beautiful and powerful in the wash effect it creates.
Fuzzy Control
- Fuzzy control operates with best washing program by sensing the washload like artificial intelligence.
Transparent Window
- This Transparent Window is the new concept to solve the curiosity of users to see inside of washing
machine while operation.
While operation, the laundry progress inside of washing machine can be checked by looking through
the transparent window.
PUL-IN-PUL, Double Storm Pulsator- Less Tangle, Better Washing
- Tangle Free - Multi-dimensional water currents help clothes stay tangle free.
- The same wash performance as the previous model in less time and energy, using powerful streams
of water.
Magic Filter
- This unique magic Filter ensures that all the lint inside the tub is captured for top quality filtering
results to deliver consistently effective cleaning results.
Wobble (Option)
- Conventional top loading automatic washing machines rotate the laundry clockwise or counter
clockwise in 2 dimensions but Wobble Technology™ rotates the laundry by throwing it around in 3
Since Wobble Technology™ moves the laundry horizontally and vertically at the same time, the
rotating water stream may seem different from that of other washing machines.
One of the features of the 3 dimensional wash function of Wobble Technology™ is washing at
multiple water levels and this may include a wash period performed at a low water level.
Auto Restart
- The power is turned on automatically after power failure.
- This is a device to protect children from being accidentally hurt while playing with the washer. (For
more information, see page 6, page 8.)
WA85G5P-02898D-02_EN.indd 2 2011-08-23 �� 12:21:39

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