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washing machine won’t work?
The power is cut off.
Is the electric voltage normal?
Is the washer plugged in? Plug in the electric cord. Water does not drain.
Is the drain hose down? Put the drain hose down.
Is the drain hose folded? Unfold the drain hose.
Is the drain hose outlet clogged? Remove the waste cleanly.
Washing machine
won’t work.
Is the washer lid open? Close the lid.
Is the Pause button on? Press the Start/Pause button one more time and check if the washer starts.
Is enough water filled to the water level?
If the water pressure is low, it takes a long time to start washing.
Is the faucet closed? Open the faucet to supply water.
If the drain hose and
spin basket are frozen,
do as follows.
Add hot water to the frozen water tap and remove the drain hose. Soak into hot water.
• Pour hot water into the spin basket for about 10 minutes.
• Put a hot water towel on the drain hose connector.
• If the drain hose defrosts, connect again and check for proper water draining.
The water drains out
The drain is clogged with coins or pins. The drain hose is hung over the drain hose hook.
Half fill the spin basket with water and try for spinning again.
The water leaks at
the water supply
hose connector.
If the faucet connecting part is loose, water may leak.
Repeat the assembling steps again. (Refer to “Connecting the water supply hose”)
Check if the rubber packing of water supply hose is in the right position. Screw tightly again.
Is the water supply hose folded? Unfold the hose.
If the water supply is too strong, water may leak. Close the faucet a little.
Is water leaking from the faucet itself? Fix the faucet. Water is not supplied.
Did you press the Start/Pause button after selecting the water supply?
If the Start/Pause button is not pressed, water is not supplied. Press the Start/Pause button.
Is the faucet closed? Turn on the faucet.
Is the filter net at the water supply hose connector clogged with dirty matters?
Clean the filter net by brushing with a toothbrush.
Is the water supply cut off? If the water supply is suspended, turn off the faucet and power off.
Spinning makes loud
noises and vibrations.
Check if the laundry is spread evenly in the washer. Spread out the laundry evenly and start again.
Check if the washing machine levels on a sturdy flat floor. Set the machine at level.
Is the handle for leveling legs loose? Adjust the legs on the feet for leveling.
Is around the washing machine filled with unnecessary stuffs?
Remove those unnecessary things away from the wash machine.
WA85G5P-02898D-02_EN.indd 14 2011-08-23 �� 12:21:45

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