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The mains lead on this equipment is supplied with a moulded plug incorporating a fuse. The value of the fuse is
indicated on the pin face of the plug and, if it requires replacing, a fuse approved to BSI1362 of the same rating
must be used. Never use the plug with the fuse cover omitted if the cover is detachable. If a replacement fuse
cover is required, it must be of the same colour as the pin face of the plug. Replacement covers are available
from your dealer.
If the fitted plug is not suitable for the power points in your house or the cable is not long enough to reach a
power point, you should obtain a suitable safety approved extension lead or consult your dealer for assistance.
However, if there is no alternative but to cut off the plug, remove the fuse and then safely dispose of the plug. Do
NOT connect the plug to a mains socket as there is a risk of shock hazard from the bared flexible cord.
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
As these colours may not correspond to the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as
follows: The wire coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal marked with the letter N or coloured BLUE
or BLACK. The wire coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal marked with the letter L or coloured
Wiring the Mains Power Supply Plug (UK Only)
This Samsung product is warranted for a period of twelve (12) months from the original date of purchase, against
defective materials and workmanship. In the event that warranty service is required, you should return the
product to the retailer from whom it was purchased. However, Samsung Authorised Dealers and Authorised
Service Centres in other EC Countries will comply with the warranty on the terms issued to purchasers in the
country concerned. In case of difficulty, details of our Authorised Service Centres are available from:
Samsung Electronics U.K. Ltd.
Customer Care Centre
PO Box 17243
Edinburgh, EH11 4YB
United Kingdom
Tel: 0870 SAMSUNG (7267864)(UK & Northern Ireland)
Tel: 0818 717 100 (Republic of Ireland Only)
Fax: +44 (0)870 7221127
Web : www.samsung.com/uk
1. The warranty is only valid if, when warranty service is required, the warranty card is fully and properly
completed and is presented with the original invoice or sales slip or confirmation, and the serial number on
the product has not been defaced.
2. Samsung’s obligations are limited to the repair or, at its discretion, replacement of the product or the
defective part.
3. Warranty repairs must be carried out by Authorised Samsung Dealers or Authorised Service Centres.
No re-imbursement will be made for repairs carried out by non Samsung Dealers and, any such repair work
and damage to the products caused by such repair work will not be covered by this warranty.
4. This product is not considered to be defective in materials nor workmanship by reason that it requires
adaptation in order to conform to national or local technical or safety standards in force in any Country other
than the one for which the product was originally designed and manufactured.
Warranty Card
BN68-01186A-Eng-0309.indd 62 2007-03-13 �� 11:25:23

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  • Wij hebben een probleem met ons toestel. Bij het aanzetten van de TV hebben we op de rechterkant van ons toestel zwarte bewegende strepen. Hebben dit in mindere mate vroeger ook al gehad en deze verdwenen als we de TV even lieten aanstaan. Nu is er niets aan te doen. Heeft iemand dit probleem al eens ondervonden en zo ja wat kunnen we eraan verhelpen?
    Alvast bedankt,
    ge@telenet.be Gesteld op 24-7-2011 om 13:41

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Wij kennen dit probleem, inhet begin een paar rose en ander strepen
      verticaal, naarmate het toestel lager aanstaat verdwijnt het langzaam van boven naar beneden.Het wordt erger en erger , nu recherzijde van het beeld donkerder. Verschillende kennissen hebben dezelfde ergernissen,probleem gekent bij Samsung
      Reparatie misschien dsuurder dan aankoop nieuwe LED TV Geantwoord op 8-7-2012 om 13:25

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE46N87

Samsung LE46N87 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 61 pagina's

Samsung LE46N87 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 188 pagina's

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