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English - 42
If the programme is broadcast with digital text, this feature is
Press the D.MENU button to display the DTV menu.
Press the ▲ or button to select "Setup", then press the
ENTER/OK button.
Press the ▲ or button to select "Digital Text", then press
the ENTER/OK button.
Press the ▲ or button to select "Disable" or
"Enable". Press the ENTER/OK button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
MHEG(Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Experts Group) An International standard
for data encoding systems used in multimedia and hypermedia. This is at a higher level than the
MPEG system which includes data-linking hypermedia such as still images, character service,
animation, graphic and video files as well as multimedia data. MHEG is user runtime interaction
technology and is being applied to various fields including VOD (Video-On-Demand), ITV
(Interactive TV), EC (Electronic Commerce), tele-education, tele-conferencing, digital libraries and
network games.
Selecting the Digital Text
Digital Text : Enable
Time Zone
Move Enter Return
Select the time zone where locate
Press the D.MENU button.
2. Press the or ▼ button to select "Setup", then press the
ENTER/OK button.
Press the ▲ or button to select "Time Zone", then press
the ENTER/OK button.
4. Select the time zone where you locate by pressing the
▲ or
Press the ENTER/OK button.
The following options are available
The Iberian Peninsula and Balears Islands -
Canarian Islands
5. Press the EXIT button to exit.
Selecting the Time Zone (Spain only)
You can view your product information. For service or
repair, please contact a Samsung approved dealer.
Press the D.MENU button to display the DTV menu.
Press the ▲ or button to select "Setup", then press the
ENTER/OK button.
3. Press the
▲ or
button to select "System", then press
the ENTER/OK button.
Press the ENTER/OK button again, to select "Product
The Product Information menu is selected.
- Software Version, Firmware Version
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Viewing Product Information
Product Information
Software Version: T_BDXPDEU00_0700
Firmware Version: T_STDEU7_102c
Digital Text
Time Zone
Move Enter Return
Time Zone
Adjust Enter Return
The Iberian Peninsula and Balears Islands
Canarian Islands
BN68-01186A-Eng-0309.indd 42 2007-03-14 �� 12:39:54

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  • We hebben een nieuw modem maar willen die op een andere plek zetten om een betere verbinding te krijgen. De tv is nog aangesloten op de modemkabel maar dat is een hele klus om deze te verplaatsen. Is het mogelijk om de tv draadloos via WiFi te verbinden? Gesteld op 8-3-2020 om 15:45

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE37M8

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 61 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 498 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 188 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English - 498 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 188 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 498 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 188 pagina's

Samsung LE37M8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português, Espanõl - 498 pagina's

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