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English - 19
Audio Language
You can change the default value for audio languages. Displays the language information for the incoming stream.
While viewing a digital channel, this function can be selected.
You can only select the language among the actual languages being broadcast.
When sound is emitted from both the main speaker and the audio receiver, a sound echo may occur due to the decoding speed
difference between the main speaker and the audio receiver. In this case, use the TV Speaker function.
While viewing a digital channel, this function can be selected.
The Audio Format appears according to the broadcasting signal.
Audio Description
This is an auxiliary audio function that provides an additional audio track for visually challenged persons. This function handles the
Audio Stream for the AD (Audio Description), when it is sent along with the Main audio from the broadcaster. Users can turn the
Audio Description On or Off and control the volume.
Press the AD button on the remote control to select Off or On.
Turn the audio description function on or off.
You can adjust the audio description volume.
Volume is active when Audio Description is set to On.
While viewing a Digital channel, this function can be selected.
Each broadcasting station has its own signal conditions, and so it is not easy to adjust the volume every time the channel is
changed. This feature lets you automatically adjust the volume of the desired channel by lowering the sound output when the
modulation signal is high or by raising the sound output when the modulation signal is low.
Speaker Select
When you watch TV with it connecting to a Home theatre, turn the TV speakers off so you can listen to sound from the Home
theatre’s (external) speakers.
External Speaker: Used to listen to the sound of the External (Home Theatre) Speakers.
TV Speaker: Used to listen to the sound of the TV Speakers.
The volume and MUTE buttons do not operate when the Speaker Select is set to External Speaker.
If you select External Speaker in the Speaker Select menu, the sound settings will be limited
TV’s Internal Speakers Audio Out (Optical, L/R Out) to Sound System
RF / AV / Component / PC / HDMI RF / AV / Component / PC / HDMI
TV Speaker Sound Output Sound Output
External Speaker Mute Sound Output
Video No Signal Mute Mute
When the PIP feature is activated, you can listen to the sound of the sub (PIP) picture.
You can select this option when PIP is set to On.
Press the TOOLS button to display the Tools menu. You can also set the sound of the sub picture by selecting Tools→PIP
You can restore the Sound settings to the factory defaults.
Reset Sound Mode: Current sound values return to default settings.
ResetAll ResetSoundMode Cancel
BN68-02325A-Eng.indb 19 2009-05-19 �� 3:42:46

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE32B651

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 674 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 354 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl - 674 pagina's

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