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English - 17
Using Your TV as a Computer (PC) Display
Setting Up Your PC Software (Based on Windows XP)
The Windows display-settings for a typical computer are shown below. The actual screens on
your PC will probably be different, depending upon your particular version of Windows and
your particular video card. However, even if your actual screens look different, the same basic
set-up information will apply in almost all cases. (If not, contact your computer manufacturer or
Samsung Dealer.)
1. First, click on ‘Control Panel’ on the Windows start menu.
2. When the control panel window appears, click on ‘Appearance and Themes’ and a display
dialog-box will appear.
3. When the control panel window appears, click on ‘Display’ and a display dialogbox will
4. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab on the display dialog-box.
The correct size setting (resolution) - Optimum: 1920 X 1080 pixels
If a vertical-frequency option exists on your display settings dialog box, the correct
value is ‘60’ or ‘60 Hz’. Otherwise, just click ‘OK’ and exit the dialog box.
Display Modes
If the signal from the system equals the standard signal mode, the screen is adjusted automatically. If the signal from the system
doesn’t equal the standard signal mode, adjust the mode by referring to your videocard user guide; otherwise there may be no
video. For the display modes listed on the next page, the screen image has been optimized during manufacturing.
D-Sub and HDMI/DVI Input
Mode Resolution
Horizontal Frequency
Vertical Frequency
Pixel Clock Frequency
Sync Polarity
(H / V)
640 x 350 31.469 70.086 25.175 +/-
720 x 400 31.469 70.087 28.322 -/+
640 x 480 35.000 66.667 30.240 -/-
832 x 624 49.726 74.551 57.284 -/-
1152 x 870 68.681 75.062 100.000 -/-
720 x 576 35.910 59.950 32.750 -/+
1152 x 864 53.783 59.959 81.750 -/+
1280 x 720 44.772 59.855 74.500 -/+
1280 x 720 56.456 74.777 95.750 -/+
1280 x 960 75.231 74.857 130.000 -/+
640 x 480 31.469 59.940 25.175 -/-
640 x 480 37.861 72.809 31.500 -/-
640 x 480 37.500 75.000 31.500 -/-
800 x 600 37.879 60.317 40.000 +/+
800 x 600 48.077 72.188 50.000 +/+
800 x 600 46.875 75.000 49.500 +/+
1024 x 768 48.363 60.004 65.000 -/-
1024 x 768 56.476 70.069 75.000 -/-
1024 x 768 60.023 75.029 78.750 +/+
1152 x 864 67.500 75.000 108.000 +/+
1280 x 1024 63.981 60.020 108.000 +/+
1280 x 1024 79.976 75.025 135.000 +/+
1280 x 800 49.702 59.810 83.500 -/+
1280 x 800 62.795 74.934 106.500 -/+
1280 x 960 60.000 60.000 108.000 +/+
1360 x 768 47.712 60.015 85.500 +/+
1440 x 900 55.935 59.887 106.500 -/+
1440 x 900 70.635 74.984 136.750 -/+
1680 x 1050 65.290 59.954 146.250 -/+
1280 x 720 52.500 70.000 89.040 -/+
1280 x 1024 74.620 70.000 128.943 -/-
1920 x 1080p 67.500 60.000 148.500 +/+
When using an HDMI / DVI cable connection, you must use the HDMI IN 3(DVI) jack.
The interlace mode is not supported.
The set might operate abnormally if a non-standard video format is selected.
Separate and Composite modes are supported. SOG is not supported.
Too long or low quality VGA cable can cause picture noise at high resolution modes (1920x1080).
BN68-02325A-Eng.indb 17 2009-05-19 �� 3:42:46

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung LE32B651

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 674 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 354 pagina's

Samsung LE32B651 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl - 674 pagina's

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