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38 English
Media Play
1. Insert a USB device into the USB jack on the front
of the product.
2. With the Playback screen displayed, select the
Options button and then press the
The Options menu appears.
3. Use the ▲▼ buttons to select Ripping, and then
press the
button. The Ripping screen appears.
4. Use the ▲▼ buttons to select a track, and then
press the
button. A check appears to the left of
the track.
5. Repeat Step 4 to select and check additional tracks.
6. To remove a track from the list, move to the track,
and then press the
button again. The check on
the track is removed.
7. When done, select the Rip button using the ▲▼
buttons, and then press the
The Rip pop-up appears.
8. Use the ▲▼ buttons to select the device to store
the ripped files on, and then press the
Do not disconnect the device while ripping is in
9. If you want to cancel ripping, press the
and then select Yes. Select No to continue ripping.
10. When ripping is complete, the “Successfully
Ripped.” message appears. Press the
11. Press the RETURN button to go back to the
Playback screen.
This function is not available with DTS Audio CDs.
This function may not be supported by some discs.
Ripping encodes music to the .mp3 format at
On the Ripping screen, you can also choose Select
All and or Clear All.
- Use Select All to select all tracks and press the
button. This cancells your individual track selections.
- Use Clear All to deselect all selected tracks at once.
Using Bluetooth
You can use a Bluetooth device to enjoy music with high
quality stereo sound, all without wires!
What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a technology that enables Bluetooth-
compliant devices to interconnect with each other easily
using a short wireless connection.
• A Bluetooth device may hum or malfunction:
- When a part of your body is in contact with the
receiving/transmitting system of the Bluetooth device
or the Home Cinema.
- When it is subject to electrical variation from
obstructions caused by a wall, corner or office
- When it is exposed to electrical interference from
same frequency-band devices including medical
equipment, microwave ovens and wireless LANs.
• Pair the Home Cinema with the Bluetooth device while
the two are close together.
• The further the distance is between the Home Cinema
and the Bluetooth device, the worse the quality is.
If the distance exceeds the Bluetooth operational
range, the connection is lost.
• In poor reception-sensitivity areas, the Bluetooth
connection may not work properly.
• The Home Cinema has an effective reception range
of up to 10 meters in all directions if there are no
obstacles. The connection will be automatically cut off
if the device is out of this range. Even within this range,
the sound quality may be degraded by obstacles such
as walls or doors.
• This wireless device may cause an electric interference
during its operation.
To connect the Home Cinema to a
Bluetooth device
Bluetooth device
Check if the Bluetooth device supports the Bluetooth
compliant stereo headset function.
HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 38HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 38 2013-03-15 오후 3:10:042013-03-15 오후 3:10:04

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-F9750W

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 189 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano - 189 pagina's

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