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36 English
Media Play
Music Screen Controls
00:09 00:43
TRACK 001 00:43
TRACK 002 03:56
TRACK 003 04:41
TRACK 004 04:02
TRACK 005 03:43
TRACK 006 03:40
TRACK 007 04:06
TRACK 008 03:52
TRACK 009 03:04
TRACK 010 04:02
Pause a track.
Play a track.
Move to the previous track.
Move to the next track.
Rewind the track.
Advance the track.
Repeat one track or all tracks.
Play tracks in random order.
Display the Equaliser.
Adjust the equaliser manually.
(Only when equaliser mode is on)
To access the controls, play a track, and then use the
▲▼◄► buttons to move to the control of your choice.
The Music Screen controls are only accessible when a
track is playing.
All controls do not appear at the same time.
Using the View & Options Menus
On the screen that lists the music files, use the ▲▼◄►
buttons to select View or Options in the upper right, and
then press the
Displays all the music
tracks on the media or
storage device.
Displays all the music on
the media or storage by
Displays all the music files
on the media or storage
device by artist
Displays all music on
the media or storage by
Displays all the folders
on the media or storage
Play Selected lets you
create a playlist by
selecting specific files to
play. It works essentially
the same way for all
media. See Creating a
Playlist on an Audio CD
on page 37.
Select Send to upload
selected files to apps
(Picasa, Facebook etc)
or devices. To use Send,
you need to establish an
account with the on-line
site, and then log in using
the Log In function.
The Ripping function
converts CD audio to the
mp3 format and saves
the converted files on a
USB device or the mobile
device connected to the
product. See Ripping on
page 38.
HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 36HT-F9750W-M.E.Asia_ENG-0315.indd 36 2013-03-15 오후 3:10:002013-03-15 오후 3:10:00

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung HT-F9750W

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 189 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 252 pagina's

Samsung HT-F9750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano - 189 pagina's

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