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Please read the important safety information at the start of this manual before you
begin to install the thermostat.
The ideal position to locate the RT200 thermostat is about 1.5m above floor level, in
a location where the thermostat is accessible, reasonably lit and free from extremes of
temperature and draughts. Do not mount the thermostat on an outside wall, above a
radiator or in a location where it may be subjected to direct sunlight.
The electrical connections to the RT200 are made to the supplied industry standard
backplate. This simplifies installation, as no connections are made to the controller
itself. Connection details are shown below - no Earth connection is required for the
correct and safe operation of the RT200, but a parking terminal is provided to connect
an Earth wire if one is present.
Backplate Connections
Terminal Description Backplate
N Mains Neutral
L Mains Live
SL Switched Live
(Normally Open Contact)
Earth Parking (no electrical
After installing the backplate in a suitable location, wiring connections can be
made as shown above. The following criteria apply to the installation:
The incoming AC mains supply should be 230V AC and fused at 5 amps.
Optimum cable size for installation is 1.5 mm2; wiring colours should be in
accordance with the current requirements of the IEE Wiring Regulations.
Cable entry should be from the rear of the backplate.
All wiring connections should be securely made, and be firmly gripped
beneath the square brass washer on each terminal.
Salus RT200 Manual 002:89 23/11/10 11:05 Page 4

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Salus RT200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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