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Do not restore the mains supply to the system until all associated items are fully installed.
NOTE: All electrical installation work should be carried out by a suitably qualified Electrician
or other competent person. If you are not sure how to install this thermostat consult either
with a qualified electrician, heating engineer or your boiler / heating system supplier for
advice on how to continue.
Do not remove or refit the RT200 onto the backplate without the mains supply to
the system being isolated.
One way to set and use your room thermostat is to find the lowest temperature setting
that you are comfortable with, and then leave it set at this temperature. You can do
this by setting the room thermostat to a low temperature, (for example 17 °C) and
then increasing the setting by one degree each day until you are comfortable with
the room temperature - you won’t have to adjust the thermostat further, as
adjustment above this setting will waste energy - a 1 °C increase in temperature is
equal to 3% of your heating costs.
The RT200 thermostat requires no special maintenance. Periodically, the outer casing
can be wiped clean using a dry cloth (please DO NOT use solvents, polishes, detergents
or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the thermostat).
There are no user serviceable parts within the unit; any servicing or repairs should
only be carried out by Salus Controls or their appointed agents.
Should the RT200 thermostat fail to function correctly, check:
The RT200 temperature has been set correctly.
Heating system time switch or programmer is switched on.
Salus Controls warrants that this product will be free from any defect in materials or
workmanship, and shall perform in accordance with its specification, for a period of
two years from the date of purchase. Salus Controls sole liability for breach of this
warranty will be (at its option) to repair or replace the defective product.
Salus RT200 Manual 002:89 23/11/10 11:05 Page 5

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Salus RT200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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