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Installation Guide
Getting Started
r Unpack your SAGEM free to view digital receiver and check for the following accessories : User Manual, remote control, batteries
and power cable.
r Disconnect power to all your existing equipment.
r Locate product in preferred position.
r Connect all equipment as shown in the diagram on the adjacent page.
r Finally, once all other connections are made, connect power and switch on your television set.
Setting up your Set Top Box
r Switch on your Set Top Box. Your television switches to external input. If your television does not switch automatically, select the
external input to which the Set Top Box is connected (refer to your TV handbook for details).
r The Set Top Box displays a first time installation message. Press OKto continue.
r Press OKto confirm menu language and user country set up.
Your Set Top Box will now search for all available channels.
Please be patient as this process takes a few minutes.
r When completed, press OK to save the channel list. You should now be watching Digital Television.
r Select your preferred digital channel using the Up arrow/Down arrow key button or the numbered keys on your remote control.
Reception issues
r If no reception or less than 10 channels are found, picture freezes, blanking out or blocking occurs, please re-check all connections
and repeat the automatic tuning procedure above.
r Problems with setting up your Set Top Box could be caused by incorrect signal levels. Your aerial system may need realignment or
to be upgraded. Contact your retailer for details.
r In case of persistant problems despite of correct signal level, contact your retailer or call SAGEM helpdesk at 0870 2488227.
Reasons to upgrade your aerial installation
They are 3 main reasons why you may need to upgrade your aerial :
1. your current aerial and cabling may not be able to receive all the digital channels due to its age and condition,
2. in your location the digital channels may be transmitted on a different frequency to your analog signal and you may need
a different type of aerial to receive them,
3. the new digital channels may be transmitted from a new transmetter and if this is the case, the aerial would have to be re-
aligned. Alternatively you could add a second aerial to your system.
For further informations, please contact your retailer
Interference – Do not place your Set Top Box near appliances which may cause electromagnetic interferences (i.e. hi-fi speakers). If you do, it may adversely affect the wor-
king of the unit, causing the picture or sound to distord.
Covers – Do not remove any fixed covers as this may expose dangerous voltages.
Weather – It is advisable to unplug the aerial during a thunderstorm. Even if your Set Top Box and TV are switched off they can still be damaged by lightning strikes.
Ventilation– The ventilation holes in the casing of your Set Top Box prevent it from over heating. Do not block or cover these holes, especially with cloth or paper. If your
Set Top Box is to be built into a compartment or similary enclosed, make sure that there is a gap of at least 10 cm on both sides and 20 cm at the top and back of the unit.
Damage– Never use your Set Top Box if it is damaged in any way.Always place your television on a flat level surface avoiding anywhere which may be subject to strong
Batteries – Batteries are easily swallowed by young children. Do not allow young children to play with the remote control unit.
Temperature Avoid extreme temperature, either hot or cold. Place your Set Top Box well away from heat sources such as radiators or gas/electric fires. Do not place cand-
les or table lamps on or near your Set Top Box.
Moisture – Do not allow your Set Top Box to be exposed to rain, moisture or dust. Do not place a plant or flowers which may need wateringon your TV. If any liquid is split
inti your Set Top Box it can cause serious damage. If you spill any liquid into your Set Top Box switch it off at the mains immediately and contact your retailer.
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