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In order to apply the guarantee, you should contact your dealer
or SAGEM helpdesk at 0870 2488227.
Proof of purchase will be required. Should any malfunctioning arise,
the dealer or SAGEM helpdesk will advise you what to do.
If you bought your equipment from SAGEM directly, the following shall apply:
1) SAGEM undertakes to remedy by repair, free of charge for labour and replacement parts, any
defects in the equipment during a period of twelve (12) months from the date of original delive-
ry of the equipment, where those defects are a result of faulty workmanship.
During this twelve-month guarantee period, the defective equipment will be repaired free of
charge; the customer must however return the defective equipment in its original package with
all accessories at his/her own expense, to the address given by SAGEM After Sales
Department, the phone number of which can be found on the delivery slip. Unless the customer
has concluded with SAGEM a maintenance contract for the equipment which specifically provi-
des for repairs to be carried out at the Customer's place, the repairs will not be carried out on
the equipment at the Customer's place.
The following sentence applies to purchases of equipment for the customer's trade, business or
profession. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Document and to the extent permit-
ted by law, SAGEM makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, statuette or
otherwise, and to such extent, all terms and conditions implied by law are hereby excluded.
This guarantee does not affect the Customer's statutory rights.
2) Exclusions from Guarantee
SAGEM shall have no liability under the guarantee in respect of:
• damage, defects breakdown or malfunction due to:
- failure to properly follow the installation process and instructions for use, or
- an external cause to the equipment (including but not limited to, lightening, fire, shock
or water damage of any nature), or
- modifications made without the written approval of SAGEM SA, or
- a failure or neglect to maintain the equipment or inappropriate maintenance, or
- unsuitable operating conditions, particularly of temperature and humidity, or
- repair or maintenance of the equipment by persons not authorised by SAGEM,
- the removal and/or destruction of the label positioned on the fixation screw of the lower
plastic cover
• wear and tear from normal daily use of the equipment and its accessories,
• damage due to insufficient or bad packaging of equipment when returned to SAGEM,
• supply of new versions of software,
work on any equipment or software modified or added without the prior written consent of
malfunctions not resulting from the Equipment or from software installed in user workstations
for the purpose of use of the equipment,
• communication problems related to an unsuitable environment, including:
- problems related to access and/or connection to the Internet such as interruptions by access
networks or malfunction of the line used by the subscriber or his correspondent,
- transmission faults (for example poor geographical coverage by radio transmitters, interfe-
rence or poor line quality),
- the local network fault (wiring, servers, workstations) or the failure of the transmission network,
the normal servicing (as defined in the user guide supplied with the equipment) as well as
malfunctioning due to servicing not being carried out, servicing costs are in any event always
borne by the customer.
ITD61_UK.qxd 10/11/04 9:25 Page 32

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sagemcom ITD 64

Sagemcom ITD 64 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 32 pagina's

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