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Lid Knob
Glass Lid
Skillet Handles
Skillet Pan
Skillet Leg
Temperature Control Dial
Temperature Control Probe
Set the skillet on a flat, dry, heat resistant surface. Some countertop
and table surfaces, such as Corian
and other surfaces, are not
designed to withstand the prolonged heat generated by certain
appliances. If you plan to use the product for a prolonged period of
time, we recommend placing a hot pad or trivet under your skillet
beforehand to prevent possible damage to the surface.
Turn temperature control to “OFF”, plug temperature control
probe securely into receptacle on skillet, plug into standard 120V
AC outlet and turn temperature control to desired setting.
The temperature control indicator light will come on when you set
or adjust the temperature. Once the desired temperature is
reached, the indicator light will go out. (When adding food, the
indicator light will come on briefly as the overall cooking
temperature is reduced.)
Preheat the skillet with the lid on for 10 – 15 minutes or until the
indicator light goes out. NOTE: The cooking temperatures listed in
this user manual are estimates. Adjust the cooking temperature
slightly up or down to achieve the results you prefer.
A steam vent is located on the Glass Lid. The steam vent allows
steam to escape while cooking with the lid in place. CAUTION:
Escaping steam is hot! Be careful when removing or lifting lid.
Oven mitts are recommended when removing cover from skillet
base or when replacing it.
NOTE: If heating oil, always leave the lid off. If oil smokes,
immediately turn skillet “OFF” and allow to cool.
Before using the skillet for the rst time, lightly brush cooking surface
with vegetable oil. Heat, uncovered, to 300°F. Turn “OFF” and cool
completely. Wipe away excess oil.
Use only nylon or heat-proof plastic cooking utensils. Metal utensils
may scratch the non-stick surface.
This skillet is not designed to deep fry. To pan-fry, do not use more
than 1 cup of oil. Select a vegetable oil or peanut oil for frying. Butter
and olive oil should only be used to sauté foods on a lower
temperature setting.
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CKRVSK11Cuori_12EM1.indd 4-5 8/20/12 11:24 AM

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