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Customer Service
To best possible support you in the case of problems with your product, we would ask you to please quote
the product Model Name and Serial Number.
These can be found on the sticker underside your product.
Waste Disposal
MK10 0BD
head office tel: 0044 (0) 1908 793020
head office fax: 0044 (0) 1908 793021
e-mail: info@rfeinternational.com
web: www.reebokfitness.co.uk
Technical support:
tel: 0044 (0) 871 474 2614
e-mail: techsupport@rfeinternational.com
The owner’s manual is only for the customer reference. Reebok can not guarantee for mistakes occurring
due to translation or change in technical specification of the product.
Reebok products are recyclable. At the end of its useful life please dispose of
this article correctly and safely (local refuse sites).
Dear Customer,
We are pleased, that you have chosen a Reebok Fitness Equipment. This quality product has been designed
for in-home use and has been tested and certified according to the European Norm EN 957-1/5. Please
carefully read the instructions prior to assembly and first use and be sure to keep the instructions for
reference and maintenance.
We wish you lots of success and fun while training,
Your Reebok Team
RFE International Ltd. (RFE) quality products have been designed and tested to meet the needs and
requirements of a committed Fitness-Training of in-home use. This product is tested to the European
Standard EN 957.
RFE warrants to the original purchaser 2 years against possible defects in material.
Excluded from warranty are wearing parts and damages caused by misuse of the product. In the case of
claim please contact your specialist dealer.
The warranty period starts at the date the product was purchased (please carefully retain your sales
Detailed warranty terms you can find at: www.reebokfitness.co.uk
Before assembling or using the exercise cycle, please read the following instructions carefully. They
contain important information for use and maintenance of the equipment as well as for your personal
safety. Keep these instructions in a safe place for maintenance purposes or for ordering spare parts.
Product-Scope: This product is made for home use only and tested up to a maximum body weight
of 120 kilograms.
Product-Performance: This hometrainer is tes ted to the European Standard EN 957-1/5 HB and is
not suitable for therapeutic training.
Product-Performance: This home-trainer is speed-dependent, i.e. higher/lower pedal speed leads
to higher/lower performance.
Product-Feature: The resistance can be changed by the computer.
Use-Scope: The exerciser may not be used by persons with a weight of over 120 kg.
Use-Scope: This product is designed for the physical exercise by adults. Please ensure that children
only use it under the supervision of an adult.
Use-Environment: Ensure that those present are aware of possible hazards, e.g. movable parts during
Use-Environment: Ensure that sufficient space is available to use the home exercisers.
Use-Environment: Place the home exerciser on an even, non-slippery surface.
Use-Environment: Please ensure that liquids or perspiration never enter the machine or electronics.
Use-Environment: Keep the equipment indoors, away from moisture and dust. Do not put the
equipment in a garage ,shed,out building or covered patio, or near water.
Use-Environment: The product is made for home use only. Warranty and manufacturer
's liability do
not extend to any product or damage to the product caused by commercial purposes , rental purposes,
2nd hand machines, ex display models or machines purchased via an unauthorised retailer..
User-Health: Consult your physician before starting with any exercise programs to receive advice on
the optimal training.
User-Health: Incorrect/excessive training can cause health injuries.
User-Health: If you feel sickness, chest pain, fits of dizziness or breathlessness during your training,
immediately stop the training and consult your physician.
Product-Preparation: Ensure that training only starts after correct assembly, adjustment and
inspection of the home exerciser.
Product-Preparation: Follow the steps of the assembly instruction carefully.
Product-Preparation: Only use suitable tools for assembly and ask for assistance if necessary.
Product-Preparation: Only use original Reebok parts as delivered (see checklist).
Use-Preparation: Tighten all adjustable parts to prevent sudden movement while training.
Use-Instruction: Please follow the advice to correct training as detailed in the training instructions.
Use-Instruction: Do not use the home exerciser without shoes or loose shoes.
Use-Safety: Be aware of non-fixed or moving parts whilst mounting or dismounting the home
Failure to do this can result
Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times during exercise.
in damage to the machine and will invalidate your warranty.

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