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Safety Instructions
Extensive tests have been conducted on the material,
functionality and quality of the REMKO portable air con-
ditioner to ensure that it is a high-performance unit with
a long service life.
Hazards may nevertheless arise if the unit is used by
persons not familiar with its operation or if the unit is not
used for its intended purpose.
Please also make sure to follow these safety instruc-
The indoor unit is not suitable for operation out-
The unit may only be operated within the permissible
range of uses!
Pay attention to surrounding temperatures.
Ensure that the unit is set up at a safe distance from
flammable materials.
Do not set the unit up near curtains or drapes.
Maintain a safety zone of at least 50 cm around the
Ensure that the air intake and outlet openings are al-
ways clear of foreign objects.
Ensure that the air conditioner is securely placed on
a level surface.
The unit may only be operated in an upright position.
Do not use the unit if it is lying on its side or in any
manner deviating from these instructions.
Do not insert any foreign objects into the air intake
or outlet openings
Do not place any heavy or warm objects on top of
the unit.
Empty the water tank before moving the unit.
This unit may only be connected to a correctly in-
stalled, grounded and fused plug socket.
230V / 50 Hz; 10A fuse.
Do not pull on the power cable or bend it exces-
This may result in damage to the cable.
Do not move the unit while in operation. Wait at least
five minutes before starting the unit after it has been
This may result in damage to the compressor.
Switch the unit off by pressing the ON/OFF but-
ton.Do not switch the unit off by unplugging the
power cable.
When unplugging the unit, always pull the power
plug. Never pull the cable.
Do not set up or operate the unit in rooms containing
explosion hazards.
Do not set up or operate the unit in rooms containing
explosion hazards.
Do not expose the unit to direct streams of water.
Protect all cables from damage.
Make sure that all extension cables are suitable in
terms of capacity, length and intended use.
Do not lay any cables under carpets or rugs!
Never open the unit housing!
This may cause an electric shock!
Repairs may only be performed by authorised per-
Never use the unit without the dust filter installed!
Without a dust filter, the plate fins of the evaporators
become dirty and performance of the unit suffers.
Never aim the air current directly at people!
The unit should only be installed by a specialised
Transport and Packaging
The device is shipped in a stable transport box made of
cardboard. Please examine the unit when it is delivered
and make note of any damage or missing parts on the
shipping bill.
Please observe the following for transport:
Before transporting the unit, switch it off on the con-
trol panel and unplug the power cable.
The unit may only be transported in an upright posi-
The indoor unit is equipped with wheels to make
transport easier. The outdoor unit can be hooked on
to the back of the indoor unit for transport.
Make sure that the connection line does not have
any kinks.
Empty the water tank prior to transport by means of
the drainage tube on the back of the unit.
When the unit is in operation, do not switch it off
directly at the power supply by unplugging it as
this may damage the control circuit and invalidate
the warranty. Always switch the unit on and off at
the control panel.

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Andere handleiding(en) van REMKO RKL470

REMKO RKL470 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

REMKO RKL470 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

REMKO RKL470 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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