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Only authorised personnel they come into contact with
the cold cycle. This ensures that refrigerant does not
escape into the environment when the unit is being re-
Both the refrigerant and the system parts are subject to
special requirements for disposal.
Important information about recycling!
Environment and Recycling
Indoor unit
No. Designation Ref. No.
1 Cover, front 1106060
2 Handle 1106061
3 Cover, top 1106062
4 Air outlet grill 1106063
5 Plate fins 1106064
6 Adjusting lever (plate fins) 1106065
7 Cover, rear 1106066
8 Dust filter 1106067
9 Cover, connecting line 1106068
10 Cover, bottom 1106069
11 Base plate, cpl. 1106070
12 Transport wheels 1106071
13 Cover, side (left / right) 1106072
14 Water tank 1106073
15 Separating plate 1106074
16 Fan housing 1106075
17 Holder (micro switch) 1106076
18 Micro switch (water tank full) 1106077
19 Micro switch (water pump on/off) 1106078
20 Floater (water tank full) 1106079
21 Floater (water pump on/off) 1106080
22 Swing motor (plate fins) 1106032
23 Clutch (swing motor) 1106081
24 Water pump, cpl. 1106082
25 terminal strip 1106083
26 Capacitor, 1,5 µF (fan indoor unit) 1106002
27 Capacitor, 3,0 µF (fan outdoor unit) 1106003
28 Capacitor, 30 µF (compressor motor) 1106084
29 Frame 1106085
30 Fan, cpl. RKL 460 1106086
31 Motor (fan) 1106087
32 Compressor, cpl. RKL 460 1106088
33 Evaporator 1106090
34 Coupling , Set (1x m / 1x w) 1106091
35 Connecting line, cpl. 1106092
36 Holder, cpl. 1106093
37 Water tube 1106094
38 Control panel 1106095
39 Labelling (control panel) 1106096
40 Control board 1106097
41 Sensor (temperature) 1106098
42 Power cable with plug 1106043
Fan, cpl. RKL 470 1106099
Compressor, cpl. RKL 470 1106089
Spare Part List
Outdoor unit
No. Designation Ref. No.
50 Cover, rear 1106100
51 Cover, front 1106101
52 Cover, bottom 1106102
53 Fan housing 1106103
54 Fan RKL 460 1106104
Fan RKL 470 1106105
55 Mount (motor) 1106106
56 Angle support 1106107
57 Motor (fan) 1106108
58 Condenser 1106109
59 Seal 1106110
60 Wall holder 1106111
61 Infrared-remote control 1613135
Set of fasteners parts cpl. (outdoor unit) 1106112
not shown
Service and Guarantee
The units are repeatedly tested at the production site to
ensure that they are working properly. If a malfunction
occurs that cannot be eliminated by the operating per-
sonnel, please contact your dealer or contact person.
For the guarantee to be valid, the purchaser or his cus-
tomer must completely fill out the “guarantee certificate”
enclosed with all units and send it back to REMKO
GmbH & Co. KG.
Operation/handling which does not comply with
these instructions is prohibited!
In cases of non-compliance, we assume no liability
and the guarantee becomes null and void.
The refrigerant in use is a safety refrigerant. This
means that, should damage occur, the quantities re-
leased will not cause injury to the respiratory sys-
tems of people and animals. Do not touch the liquid
refrigerant as it can freeze the skin!

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Andere handleiding(en) van REMKO RKL470

REMKO RKL470 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

REMKO RKL470 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

REMKO RKL470 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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