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Safety guidelines
Disposal of packaging
All products are packed for
transport in environmentally
friendly materials. Do your part
in the reduction of waste and
conservation of resources and
dispose of the packaging material
only at appropriate collection
of old units
Our Production department is
under constant quality control.
Only top quality materials are
processed, the majority of which
are recyclable. Do your part
to protect the environment by
ensuring that your old unit is
disposed of according to regionally
valid regulations, for example in
authorized disposal and recycling
centers or collection points.
and recycling
Before using your unit for the first
time, carefully read the operating
instructions for your unit.
It contains useful tips , remarks
as well as warnings to avoid
danger to personnel and property.
Non-observance of these
instructions can endanger persons,
the environment and the system
and therefore lead to loss of any
possible warranty claims.
Keep these operating instructions
and the refrigerant data page
near the unit.
■ The set up and installation of
the units and components may
only be carried out by expert
■ Set up, connection and
operation of the unit and
components must be made
within the usage and operating
conditions according to the
instructions and valid regional
■ The units for mobile use must be
set up on a suitable base, safe
to operate and vertically. Units
for stationary operation may
only be operated in permanently
installed condition.
■ Modification and changes of
units or components supplied by
REMKO are not permissible and
can cause malfunctions.
■ The units and components may
not be operated in areas with
increased danger of damage.
The minimum clearances must
be observed.
■ The electrical power supply must
be matched to the requirements
of the units.
■ The operational safety of the
units and components is only
ensured in case of proper and
destined use and in completely
installed condition. Safety
devices may not be changed or
■ Any units or components with
noticeable defects or damage
may not be put in operation.
■ All housing parts and unit
openings, such as air inlets and
outlets must be clear of foreign
objects, fluids or gases.
■ The units and components
require a sufficient safety
distance to inflammable,
explosive, combustible,
aggressive and contaminated
areas or atmospheres.
■ Contact with certain unit parts
or components can cause burns
or injuries.
■ Installation, repairs and
maintenance may only be
carried out by authorized
technicians, visual inspections
and cleanings can be made
by the operator, if the unit is
■ Suitable measures and
preparations must be made for
installation, repair, maintenance
and cleaning of the units to
eliminate danger from the unit
for personnel.
■ Do not subject the units or
components to mechanical
loads, extreme moisture and
direct sun
Prerequisite for any warranty
claims is that the purchaser or his
client has completely filled out
the "warranty registration card"
included with any unit within the
relevant time period of sale and
initial operation as well as the
„Start up protocol“ and returned
it to REMKO GmbH & Co. KG .
The warranty conditions are listed
in the „General business and
delivery conditions“. Above and
beyond these conditions, special
agreements can only be made
between contracting parties. For
that reason, please contact your
direct contracting party / dealer

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Andere handleiding(en) van REMKO ATY260

REMKO ATY260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

REMKO ATY260 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

REMKO ATY260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

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