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To protect operating person shell be provide safety
measurement, that evaluate the exposition under
the real conditions (here are included all parts of op-
erating cycle, switch of mode and idle run mode).
6 Tool clamping
Always disconnect the plug from the elec-
tricity network socket before carrying out
any works on the tool.
6.1 Installation of diamond discs
Put the tool down with the rotation direction arrow
[1-5] up, and press the slide unblocking [1-4] to
open while preventing the slide to get released by
a slight counter pressure.
Open the shutter [1-10] on the quick-clamp nut [1-9],
and unscrew this counter clockwise. In accordance
with required cut width install diamond discs [1-11]
and spacer rings [1-12] onto the machine spindle
– see gure [1c].
Tighten the quick-clamp nut [1-9] by hand, and
close the shutter [1-10].
Never install two discs without inserting at
least one spacer ring in between!
The arrow on the diamond disc must comply
with the arrow [1-5] on the tool cover!
Always install all four spacer rings, otherwise there
is a risk of injury and tool damage from loosened
It is also possible to work with one disc only.
6.2 Slotting with four discs
It is possible to work with four diamond discs at
the same time only if you replace the spacer rings
[1-12] of the basic accessories of the machine with
the special, colour-coded set of ten rings supplied
as special accessories. Caution – rings from these
two sets cannot be combined.
Always install all spacer rings, otherwise there is a
risk of injury and tool damage from loosened discs.
Adapt the speed of cut progression as well as the
pressure to the higher load of the machine.
Attention: Optimum results of work and the high-
est safety level can only be guaranteed when using
original PROTOOL accessories.
6.3 Uninstallation of diamond discs
Diamond discs can be very hot after cutting.
Use gloves!
Hold the diamond rings rmly, open the shutter
[1-10] on the quick-clamp nut [1-9], and loosen
the quick-clamp nut.
6.4 Adjusting the cutting depth
Rotate with the regulating wheel [1-3], until the
required cutting depth is indicated on the scale.
The values on the regulating wheel are for refer-
ence only; the depth changes with disc wear.
7 Dust exhaust
To provide for the exhaust function, connect the
hose of a PROTOOL class L, M or H exhauster (in
accordance with the type of processed material)
to the exhaust attachment [1-6].
Attention: Always work with the exhaust con-
nected. Use only exhausters with antistatic design
in order to prevent generation of static electricity
in dusty environments.
Note: check the exhauster function in case of ex-
cessive dust ejection during machine operation (see
the operating instructions for the exhauster).
8 Commissioning
Check if the data on the name plate comply with
the actual voltage of the power source.
Check if the plug connector type complies with the
socket type.
Use dust mask! Use hearing protection!
Operate the switch unblocking [1-2] to the rst
stage (light pressure), and switch on the tool with
the switch [1-1]. Once the motor runs with con-
stant speed, press the switch unblocking [1-2] to
second stage, cut slowly into the material down to
the pre-set depth, and then push the machine in
the cutting direction.
Based on the sort of material being slotted, and on
the spacing of installed discs (width of slot), there
are remnants of material remaining between the
slots, and these are to be removed with the sup-
plied chisel. The narrower the slot you choose, the
more material gets crushed and is removed with
the exhaust. For this purpose, there is a spacer
ring set offered as special accessories to be used
for slotting with four discs – see clause 6.2. In this
way, a wider slot is produced without the need of
chiselling out remnants of material.
To achieve the required results of work fast-
er and with higher ef ciency (especially in
hard materials), carry out the cuts in two
steps – pre-cut with smaller depth, and then
nish the cut down to the required depth.

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