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Changing tools
Turn the clamping sleeve [4-3] anticlockwise to
open the clamping jaws.
The arrow on the chuck shows the direction to turn
to open it.
Insert the tool into the chuck.
Risk of injury
Clamp the tool centrally in the chuck!
Turn the clamping sleeve [4-3] clockwise to clamp
the tool.
7.2 Tool chuck CENTROTEC
The tool chuck CENTROTEC allows you to change
tools with a CENTROTEC shank in a matter of sec-
Always use a CENTROTEC tool chuck to clamp
Risk of cutting injuries when changing the
Wear protective gloves!
Attaching the CENTROTEC
Pull the release ring [5-1] forwards.
Attach the tool chuck to the drill spindle [4-1].
Release the ring [5-1].
Detaching the CENTROTEC
Pull the release ring [5-1] forwards.
Remove the tool chuck.
Changing tools
To t or remove a tool with a CENTROTEC shank,
pull back the orange ring [5-2].
When attaching the tool, rotate until the hexagon
shank engages in the hexagon holder on the drill
Release the ring [5-2].
7.3 Angle attachment
The angle attachment allows you to work (drill,
fasten) vertically in relation to the longitudinal axis
on the machine.
Fitting the angle attachment
Before rst use, the spindle [4-1] and gearbox
neck [6-1] should be painted with a thin layer
of multipurpose grease.
Release the lever of the angle attachment.
Fit the attachment right down onto the neck of the
gearbox so that the recess in the attachment sits
on the protruding part of the gearbox.
Secure the attachment lever.
The angle attachment can be positioned through
Attaching/Detaching the chuck
The chuck is secured to the shaft of the angle at-
tachment and the drill spindle on the machine in
the same way.
7.4 Depth stop DC UNI FF
The depth stop allows you to insert a screw to a
de ned depth. You can set the dimension to which
the screw head is to project over the workpiece, or
to which it is to be countersunk in the workpiece.
Place the depth stop onto the spindle of the screw-
driver [8-1].
Pull the release ring [8-2] forwards.
Turn it until the hexagonal pin of the stop engages
in the internal hexagon support of the machine.
Press to stop onto the machine spindle. Let go of
the release ring.
Pull the release ring [8-2] forwards and then re-
move the depth stop from the spindle.
Tool change
Take sleeve A or B off the depth stop. Insert the
corresponding bit or plug-in bit adapter in the mag-
netic holder [8-3]. Re t sleeve A or B.
Setting the depth
Set the desired screw-in
depth by turning the hous-
ing [8-4] – see symbol on
the holder. Each notch
stage alters the screw-in
depth by 0.1 mm.
Removing the screws
If you wish to unscrew a screw again, sleeve A or
B must be removed. Now set the screwdriver to
counterclockwise direction of rotation and unscrew
the screw.
7.5 Auxiliary handle
Fit the auxiliary handle right down onto the neck
of the gearbox so that the recess in the handle sits
on the protruding part of the gearbox.
Tighten the auxiliary handle by twisting the grip.
The auxiliary handle can be positioned through
The drilling depth can be set with the depth stop
7.6 Tool holder in the drill spindle
Bits can be inserted directly in the hexagon socket
holder on the drill spindle [4-1] to shorten and
reduce the weight of the machine.
8 Operation
Press the ON/OFF switch [1-2] to switch on the
The speed of the machine depends on how far the
ON/OFF switch is pressed in.

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