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Ball bearing wheels
Ready start engine
Front carrying handle
Foldable handle
E10 fuel proof
4 Functions
Side discharge
Mulching function
Rear discharge
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied before storage of 30 days or
Empty the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty.
Use fresh fuel next season.
Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may
The following steps should be taken to prepare lawn mower for storage.
Following the final cut of the season allow the fuel tank to run dry.
Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly as described in the lubrication instructions.
Refer to engine manual for correct engine storage instructions.
Lightly coat mower's cutting blade with environmental safe chassis grease to prevent
Store mower in a dry, clean area.
When storing any type of power equipment in an unventilated or material storage shed, -
Care should be taken to rust-proof the equipment. Using a light oil or silicone, coat the
equipment, especially cables and all moving parts.
Be careful not to bend or kink cables.
If the starter rope becomes disconnected from rope guide on handle, disconnect and
ground the spark plug wire. Grasp the start/stop handle of the engine and pull the starter
This product is warranted for a 5-year period effective from the date of purchase by the
first user.
This warranty covers all material or production flaws excluding : batteries, chargers,
defective parts subject to normal wear & tear such as bearings, brushes, cables, and
plugs, or accessories such as drills, drill bits, saw blades, etc. ; damage or defects
resulting from maltreatment, accidents or alterations; nor the cost of transportation.
Damage and/or defects resulting from inappropriate use also do not fall under the
warranty provisions.
We also disclaim all liability for any bodily injury resulting from inappropriate use of the
Repairs may only be carried out by an authorised customer service centre for Powerplus
You can always obtain more information at the number 00 32 3 292 92 90.
Any transportation costs shall always be borne by the customer, unless agreed otherwise
in writing.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWXQG7540

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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