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Replace worn or damaged parts for safety. For reasons of safety, do not use the
equipment with worn or damaged parts. Parts are to be replaced and not repaired. Parts
that are not of the same quality can damage the equipment and be dangerous for your
If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors and when the engine is
Wear strong work gloves when removing and reassembling the blade.
Check the blade's balance after sharpening.
Check the self-closing guard and grass-catcher frequently for wear and deterioration.
Whenever the machine is to be handled, transported or tilted you must:
wear strong working gloves;
grasp the machine at the points that offer a safe grip, taking account of the weight and its
11.1 Changing / draining the oil.
Remove the oil dipstick, remove the oil with the oil extractor, refill engine with approximately
470ml SAE30 engine oil.
Start the engine and allow it to run briefly. Stop the engine, wait one minute and check the oil
level. Top up if necessary.
11.2 Draining the fuel tank (Fig. 10)
Unscrew and remove the fuel tank cap and use a proper fuel pump to empty the fuel into a
suitable container
11.3 Spark plug (Fig. 11)
Allow the engine to cool down.
Remove the spark plug using the box spanner supplied, clean the plug with a wire brush. Set
the gap to 0.75 mm ( 0.030") using a feeler gauge.
Refit the spark plug taking care not to overtighten it.
Use only correct type spark plug. For best results, replace the spark plug every 100 hours of
11.4 To clean air filter (Fig. 12)
Unclip the air filter cover and remove the sponge filter element. (To avoid objects falling
into the air intake, replace the air filter cover).
11.5 Cleaning the mower housing (Fig. 13)
Dirt deposits make the start difficult, affect the quality of the cut and the discharge of the grass.
Dirt and grass residues are easiest to remove immediately after the mowing. To avoid fouling
the floor, the underside must be cleaned on the grass.
Remove the mulching plug / grass catcher.
Fit the hose connector to the lawn mower and turn on the water tap.
Start the lawn mower and switch it off again after about 30 seconds. The rotating blade
bar will throw the water onto the underside of the lawn mower and thus clean it.
Turn off the water tap and remove the hose connector.
Clean the top with a cloth (do not use any sharp objects).
11.6 Maintenance schedule
5 Hrs
Every 3
25 Hrs
Every 6
50 Hrs
or 250
Engine oil

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWXQG7540

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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