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Do not expose to rain or
wet conditions.
Mow across the face of
slopes, never up and down.
Inspect the area where the
product is to be used and
remove all objects which
can be thrown by the
If objects are hidden while
operating stop the engine
and remove the object.
Keep hands and feet away
from sharp rotating parts
danger of injury! When
cleaning, repairing, or
inspecting, make certain the
cutting device and all
mowing parts have stopped.
Disconnect the spark plug
cap, and keep the cap away
from the plug to prevent
accidental starting.
Cutting device continues to
rotate after the product is
switched off. Wait until all
machine components have
completely stopped before
touching the product.
Pay special attention when
working on the cutting
Objects thrown by the
product could hit the user
or other bystanders.
Always ensure that other
people and pets remain at
a safe distance from the
product when it is in
operation. In general,
children must not come
near the area where the
product is.
Guaranteed sound power
level value in dB
Warning: Keep the safety signs clear and visible on the equipment. Replace
the safety signs if they are missing or illegible.
WARNING: When using petrol tools, basic safety precautions, including the following, should
always be followed to reduce the risk of serious personal injury and/or damage to the unit.
Read all these instruction before operating this product and retain these instructions for future
WARNING: This machine produces an electromagnetic field during operation. This field may
under some circumstances interfere with active or passive medical implants. To reduce the
risk of serious or fatal injury, we recommend persons with medical implants to consult their
physician and the medical implant manufacturer before operating this machine.
5.1 Training
Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and the proper use of the
Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the lawn mower.
Local regulations can restrict the age of the operator;
Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are nearby;

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWXQG7540

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Powerplus POWXQG7540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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