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Switching on: Press the front handle (3) and the switch (2) of the rear handle with both
hands at the same time.
Switching off: release any one of the switch (3) or (2 ).
The electronic blade brake makes the blades stop immediately within < 1 sec. the small
flash in the area of the upper ventilation slots is normal and does not harm to you or the
8.2 Cutting hedge
Before you start your work, select branches with a diameter not bigger than 16mm and cut them
with a pruning shear. A trapezoidal cut corresponds to the natural, growth of plants and results
in optimal hedge growing.
First cut the sides from the bottom to the top. Cut the upper part giving it the shape you
prefer, in a straight horizontal form, roof-like or rounded.
The safety blade has laterally rounded and staggered cutting teeth to reduce danger of
injury. The additional shock protection avoids inconvenient kickback when the blades
come into contact with walls, fences etc.
If the blades are jammed or blocked by obstacles, switch the motor off immediately, pull
the plug, and then remove the object jamming the blades.
Caution! Metal obstacles like fences etc. may damaged the cutting blades.
Always make sure to keep the extension cord behind your back and to start cutting the
hedge at the point nearest to the supply socked. Therefore plan your working direction
before staring.
8.3 Power Cord
To prevent the power cord from disconnecting from the hedge trimmer, loop the cord
around the recessed hook and pull gently to tighten.
Warning! Before performing any work on the equipment, pull the power plug.
Check your machine regularly before starting the work.
Damaged cutting blades have to be repaired or exchanged by a qualified service man
before working with the machine
After each cutting operation, clean the cutting blade with a soft brush and cloth with
lubricating fluid oil and spray a thin layer of fluid protective oil on the completes blade.
Always keep the ventilation slots in motor housing clean
Never clean or spray a machine with water .clean the motor housing only with a moist
cloth and never apply detergents or solvents! These could ruin the plastic parts of the
machine ,Finally, dry the motor housing carefully.
Stock the machine with the knife protection.
Only use original accessories and spare parts.
Voltage / frequency
Power input
Blade length
Cutting length
Cutting capacity
No load speed

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWEG40100

Powerplus POWEG40100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG40100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG40100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG40100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 1 pagina's

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