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Always dress properly. Don’t wear loose clothing or jewelry; they can be caught in moving
parts. Use of rubber gloves and substantial footwear is recommended when working
outdoors. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
Use face or dust mask if operation is dusty.
Do not use the trimmer if the cutting device is not secured properly or is damaged.
Before starting the trimmer, make sure that the cutting blade is not touching stones or
When the trimmer is in operation, keep the cutting section away from all parts of the body.
Do not cut against hard objects. This could cause injury or damage the trimmer.
Only cut during broad daylight or with corresponding artificial light.
Don’t abuse cord, never carry hedge trimmer by cord or yank it to disconnect from
receptacle. Keep cord from heat, oil, and sharp edges.
When the trimmer is not in use, store it in a dry place so that the blade is not exposed and
out of the reach of children.
The main voltage must correspond to the one marked on the technical data plate. Do not
use other sources of power.
Never use the trimmer when it is raining. Try to prevent it from getting wet or being
exposed to humidity.
Do not leave it outside overnight. Do not cut damp or wet grass.
The power supply cable should be checked regularly. Before each use, make sure cable is
not damaged or worn. If the cable is not in good condition, do not use the trimmer. Take it
to an authorized service center for proper repair.
Only use an extension cord which is suitable for outdoor work. Keep it away from the
cutting area, damp, wet or oily surfaces, or sharp edges. Keep away from heat and fuels.
Avoid unintentional starting. Don’t carry plugged in hedge trimmer with fingers on both
switches. Be sure switch is off when plugging in.
Do not attempt to remove cut material or hold material to be cut when blades are moving.
Make sure trimmer switch is off when clearing jammed material from blades. Do not grasp
the exposed cutting blades or cutting edges when picking up or holding the hedge
CAUTION: Blades coast after turn off.
Don’t force hedge trimmer, it will do the job better and with less likelihood of risk of injury
at the rate for which it was designed.
Stay alert, watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate hedge trimmer
when you are tired.
Maintain hedge trimmer with care, keep cutting blades sharp and clean for best
performance and to reduce the risk of injury. Inspect extension cord periodically and
replace if damaged. Keep handles dry, clean and free from oil and grease.
7.1 Mounting the safety protection guard
Push the supplied safety protection guard (5) over the blades and fix securely with each screw
on both sides of the housing.
8.1 Starting the machine

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWEG40100

Powerplus POWEG40100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG40100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG40100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG40100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 1 pagina's

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