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Congratulations on purchasing the Polar Vantage NV Heart Rate
Monitor ! You are now the owner of the most advanced and sophisti-
cated HRM in the world offering features and performance exceeding
any other HRM available, including:
watch with alarm clock, calendar and weekday indicator
12/24 h display
stopwatch with split / lap time counter
alternate displays in measurement mode (total exercising time or
time of day)
wireless heart rate monitoring with ECG accurate continuous
coded transmission of heart rate
two freely programmable target zones
visual and audible alarm for each target zone limit
time spent above, within and below each target zone
with each lap/split time corresponding heart rate information
two programmable, alternating timers
average heart rate for each lap
maximum, average and minimum heart rate of the total exercise
Recovery Heart Rate / Recovery Time after each lap
freely programmable Training thresholds
time below Lower Training threshold, between Lower and Upper
Training thresholds and above Upper Training threshold
graphic and numeric display of Relaxation Rate
two ranges of heart rate reception distance
ability to record up to 134 hours of performance information with
unlimited number of files
complete file identification system (date, time of day, number of file)
automatic recording ability with RR (beat to beat) -intervals and
every 5, 15, 60 seconds
ability to use the Polar Vantage NV Receiver as a stopwatch with
manual heart rate recording
ability to let the oldest file be replaced by a new one during
an indicator for the amount of free memory shows up on display
each time when starting a new recording
electroluminescent backlight
ability to activate the backlight and to check time of day / split time,
Heart Rate Limits in use and the transmission code while exer-
ability to recall the memory file by file on receiver display
ability to download performance data into a computer for detailed
ability to upload settings for watch and HRM functions from PC
ability to show user´s ID on the display of the receiver
This user’s manual is designed to show precisely what the Polar
Vantage NV Heart Rate Monitor can do and how you can use each
feature to best accomplish your personal fitness and performance
Do not stretch or bend the Transmitter especially when storing it.
Do not operate the buttons of your Polar Vantage NV HRM under
Wash and dry your Polar Transmitter regularly after use;
never store it wet.
Do not store your Polar Vantage NV HRM in any kind of non-
breathable material, such as a plastic bag or sports bag. Store it in
a dry place.
Keep your Polar Vantage NV HRM out of extreme cold or heat.
Before you begin
Before starting any exercise program, always consult your physician.
If you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronic device, consult
your physician and/or the manufacturer of the device prior to using the
Polar Vantage NV Heart Rate Monitor.

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