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A3 USA GBR D 15.11.2002 09:14 Page 1
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Heart Rate Monitor
User’s Manual
How to Put Your Heart Rate Monitor On
The elastic strap
holds the transmitter in
the correct position.
The transmitter
detects your heart rate
continuously and transmits
it to the wrist receiver.
Heart Touch function
Bring the wrist receiver
up to the Polar logo on
the transmitter during
exercise and you can
check the time of day.
Moves to the
following mode
or increases the
selected value.
Returns to the
previous mode
or decreases
the selected
Functions and Modes of Polar A3
The Polar A3™
wrist receiver
displays your heart rate
during exercise.
How to Start and Stop
Setting mode
Set different values
- 12h or 24h time mode
- birthday
- target heart rate limits
- watch functions; alarm, time, date
File mode
Shows the data recorded during the exercise
After Exercising
Functions During Exercise
How to Start and Stop
Functions and Modes of Polar A3
How to Put Your Heart Rate Monitor On
How to Recall File Stored in Memory
Target Heart Rate Zone
Technical Specifications
Limited Polar International Guarantee
1. Press Signal button to turn the zone alarm sound
on or off.
2. Check the time of day by bringing the wrist
receiver up to the Polar logo on the transmitter.
3. Scroll up to select what values you want to
view in the upper row of the display
during exercise.
Functions During Exercise
4. Scroll down to select what you want to view
in the lower row of the display.
1. Heart rate in beats
per minute.
3. Exercise time
2. Heart rate as a % of your
maximum heart rate.
1. Heart rate in the target zone
is displayed
a) as absolute heart rate
b) as a % of maximum heart rate
according to your lower row
4. Time of day
How to Set up Your New Receiver
1. Press any of the four buttons twice to activate
the receiver. TIME is displayed. 12h is
2. Once awakened, the receiver will guide
you through the necessary settings.
Scroll up or down to set the right values.
Press OK to lock your selection.
Set the following:
12h or 24h time mode
Time of day
After setting your birthday, your target heart
rate zone based on your age is automatically
After the settings are complete, the receiver
automatically goes to the Time of day display.
You can cancel the setting by pressing and
holding OK, but you can not start measuring
the heart rate before you have completed
the settings.
How to operate the set buttons
To move forward or back, use Up or Down
To choose the value to begin adjusting,
press OK. It will begin blinking.
Press Up or Down button to adjust the value
(The digits run faster if you press and hold
the button).
Wherever you are in the settings, you can return
to the Time of day display by pressing and
holding OK.
Time of day display mode
Starting point for all functions
Shows date and time
Press and hold OK to return to the Time of day
display, wherever you are in the Settings or File
recalling cycle.
When the alarm is turned on, the symbol
appears on the Time of day display. When the alarm
comes on it will sound for one minute or you can
turn it off by pressing any of the four buttons.
Exercise recording mode
In the Exercise mode you measure your heart
rate and record your exercise information in
a file
You can view different information while the
heart rate monitor is measuring heart rate
How to Start
1. In the Time of day display
press OK. Your heart rate
appears in a few seconds.
2. Press OK again. The stopwatch
starts running and you can
start exercising. The exercise
data will only be stored if you have
turned the stopwatch on.
How to Stop
1. Press OK to stop the stopwatch.
QUIT and paused stopwatch
appear. Measurement is paused.
Exercise is no longer recorded.
2. Press Up or Down button to
exit the Exercise mode.
The receiver shows the Time of
day display within 5 minutes if
you forget to quit the heart rate
measurement mode when you
stopped the stopwatch and
removed the transmitter from
your chest.
Starts measuring
heart rate. Starts and
stops the stopwatch.
Enters the displayed
mode. Locks in your
Alarm on or off.
If reset,
settings will
return to the
default values.
5. You can pause the stopwatch by pressing OK.
Repressing OK will restart the stopwatch.
After restart you will see the heart rate in the
lower row.
Keep the wrist receiver within 1 meter/ 3 feet of
your transmitter. Check that you are not near other
people with heart rate monitors or any source of
electromagnetic disturbance.
2. Fitness bullets
For every 10 minutes in TZ,
a appears.
Lift the transmitter off your chest and
moisten the two grooved electrode areas
on the back.
Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly
against your skin and the Polar logo is in
a central, upright position.
Adjust the strap length to fit snugly and
comfortably. Secure the strap around your
chest, just below the chest muscles, and
buckle it.
Attach the transmitter to the elastic strap.
Exercise recording
Heart rate measuring
Press OK
Press OK
Press Up
Press Up
Time of day display
Minimizing Possible Risks in Exercising
with Heart Rate Monitor

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Polar A3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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