Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Selecting a location you searched for
recently 32
Deleting an entry in History 32
Selecting a location stored in
Favourites 32
Deleting an entry in Favourites 33
Setting up a route to your home 33
Setting a route by recalling a saved route 33
Searching for a location by scrolling the
map 34
After the location is decided (Map
Confirmation Screen)
What you can do with the Map Confirmation
Screen 35
Route... 35
Save as... 36
Setting the location as a new destination 36
Setting the location as a waypoint 36
Replacing the location as the new final
destination 36
Setting the location as the start point 37
Viewing information about a specified
location 37
Placing a map pin on the location 37
Removing a map pin 38
Registering the location as a customised
POI 38
Storing the location in Favourites 39
Deleting an entry in Favourites 39
Storing the position as a safety camera
location 39
Editing safety camera information 40
Checking the current route
Checking the current route conditions 41
Playing simulated travel at high
speed 42
Checking the entire route overview on
the map 42
Checking the current itinerary 42
Editing waypoints and the destination
Editing waypoints 44
Adding a waypoint 44
Sorting waypoints 44
Deleting a waypoint 44
Storing the current route 44
Deleting the entry in Saved
Routes 45
Deleting the current route 45
Using traffic information
Viewing the traffic list 46
How to read traffic information on the
map 46
Setting the traffic information 46
Using hands-free phoning
Hands-free phoning overview 48
Preparing communication devices 48
Displaying the Phone Menu 48
Registering your mobile phone 48
Searching for nearby phones 49
Searching for a specified phone 49
Pairing from your mobile phone 50
Connecting a registered mobile phone 51
Disconnecting a mobile phone 51
Deleting a registered phone 51
Receiving a phone call 52
Answering an incoming call 52
Rejecting an incoming call 52
Making a phone call 52
Direct dialling 53
Dialling from the history 53
Calling a number in the Contacts
screen 54
Dialling a phone number of the
POI 54
Making a call home easily 54

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer avic f9110bt

Pioneer avic f9110bt Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 184 pagina's

Pioneer avic f9110bt Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Pioneer avic f9110bt Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 192 pagina's

Pioneer avic f9110bt Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 188 pagina's

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