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Pagina verder
What’s in the box
Speaker cord (4 m) x 2
Non-skid pads x 8
Warranty card x 1 (European model only)
Operating instructions (this document)
Speaker cord (4 m) x 1
Speaker cord (10 m) x 2
Non-skid pads x 12
Warranty card x 1 (European model only)
Operating instructions (this document)
Speaker cord (3 m) x 1
Non-skid pads x 4
•Seal x 4
Warranty card x 1 (European model only)
Install non-skid pads
Use the accessory non-skid pads as necessary, depending on your
installation location.
Lay the unit on its side on soft cloth or other material that will not
scar the unit.
Installing the subwoofer
The subwoofer can be mounted in either vertical or horizontal
orientation. The factory default is horizontal orientation.
For vertical orientation installation
1 The feet are attached with Phillips screws; use a Phillips
screwdriver to remove them.
2 Apply the accessory seals to the place the feet were
located to hide the screw holes.
3 Apply the non-skid pads to the four corners of the surface
where the subwoofer is to be mounted. Note that the non-
skid pads may not be fully effective on all surfaces, so do not
install in slippery locations.
Do not attempt to perform these procedures while tilting the
unit at an angle. Lay the unit on its side on soft cloth or other
material that will not scar the unit.
Mounting location
Non-skid pads
Non-skid pads
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Non-skid pads
50˚ to 60˚
S-SL100-LR_S-SL100CR_En.fm 3 ページ 2011年4月12日 火曜日 午前11時31分

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