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Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to operate your model properly. After you have finished reading the
instructions, put them away in a safe place for future reference.
Before you start
This speaker system has an impedance of 8 Ω, and should be
connected only to an amplifier designed with a load
impedance of 8 Ω (the amplifier’s speaker output connector
should clearly be labeled “8 Ω”).
In order to prevent damage to the speaker system resulting
from input overload, please observe the following precautions:
•Do not supply power to the speaker system in excess of the
maximum permissible input.
•When using a graphic equalizer to emphasize loud sounds in
the high-frequency range, do not use excessive amplifier
•Do not try to force a low-powered amplifier to produce loud
volumes of sound (the amplifier’s harmonic distortion will be
increased, and you may damage the speaker).
Caution: installation
Do not place the speaker on an unstable surface, as doing so
may cause the speaker to fall and cause damage or bodily
Switch off and unplug your AV equipment and consult the
instructions when connecting up components. Make sure you
use the correct connecting cables.
Install the center speaker below the TV. When installing the
center speaker on top of the TV, be sure to secure it with tape
or some other suitable means. Otherwise, the speaker may fall
from the TV due to external shocks such as earthquakes,
endangering those nearby or damaging the speaker.
Caution: in use
Do not use the speaker to output distorted sound for long
periods of time. This can result in damages to the speaker and
poses a potential fire hazard.
Do not place heavy or large objects on top of the speaker.
Doing so could provoke the speaker to fall, causing damages
or bodily injury.
The speaker system grill cannot be removed. Do not try to
forcibly remove it since doing so may damage the grille.
This product incorporates autoregression technology to
protect the speakers. If the speakers stop emitting noise when
receiving too large a signal, turn the volume down on the amp
and wait a few seconds. The protection feature disables itself
This product is a passive subwoofer, and must be combined
with the VSX-S300 or other audio device provided with a built-
in subwoofer amplifier.
This speaker system has an impedance of 4 Ω, and should be
connected only to an amplifier designed with a load
impedance of 4 Ω (the amplifier’s speaker output connector
should clearly be labeled “4 Ω”).
In order to prevent damage to the speaker system resulting
from input overload, please observe the following precautions:
•Do not supply power to the speaker system in excess of the
maximum permissible input.
•When using a graphic equalizer to emphasize loud sounds in
the high-frequency range, do not use excessive amplifier
•Do not try to force a low-powered amplifier to produce loud
volumes of sound (the amplifier’s harmonic distortion will be
increased, and you may damage the speaker).
Caution: installation
Do not place the speaker on an unstable surface, as doing so
may cause the speaker to fall and cause damage or bodily
Switch off and unplug your AV equipment and consult the
instructions when connecting up components. Make sure you
use the correct connecting cables.
Do not attach these speakers to the wall or ceiling, as they may
cause injury in the event of a fall.
Caution: in use
Do not use the speaker to output distorted sound for long
periods of time. This can result in damages to the speaker and
poses a potential fire hazard.
Do not place heavy or large objects on top of the speaker.
Doing so could provoke the speaker to fall, causing damages
or bodily injury.
Do not sit or stand on the speaker, or let children play on the
speaker. Doing so could provoke the speaker to fall, causing
damages or bodily injury.
The speaker system grill cannot be removed. Do not try to
forcibly remove it since doing so may damage the grille.
Cleaning the speaker cabinet
With normal use, wiping with a dry cloth should be sufficient to
keep the cabinet clean. If necessary, clean with a cloth dipped in
a neutral cleanser diluted five or six times with water, and wrung
out well. Do not use furniture wax or cleansers.
Never use thinners, benzine, insecticide sprays or other chemicals
on or near this unit since these will corrode the surfaces.
Pioneer is not responsible for any accidents or damage that
result from improper installation, misuse or modification of
the product, or natural disasters.
S-SL100-LR_S-SL100CR_En.fm 2 ページ 2011年4月12日 火曜日 午前11時31分

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